Our Next Generation
Our Next Generation
2006 is about over and a new year is upon us. When I was growing up, I couldn’t even imagine that I would see the year 2000…it seemed so far off. Now, we are 6 years beyond 2000. Unbelievable!
Looking back at 2006, I know how fortunate I am, and how fortunate my family is. I pray that I will always appreciate what blessings my family and I have.
After Christmas, I always take time to once again look at the Christmas cards we receive. I enjoy them so much, I enjoy the notes, the Christmas letters, the photos and just thoroughly enjoy looking them all over again. As I was looking at them again, I re-read one of the Christmas letters of a friend of mine, who is of the younger generation. It’s so good to know that the younger generation thinks about things other than "material things". Sometimes, us baby boomers wonder about the generation coming up after us, so many of them seem to interested only in making lots of money and the material things that the money can buy. It’s so refreshing to find out that not all of them are like that. My friend is not like that. This friend is compassionate, kind, and does all she can to make this a better world. I watched this friend grow up; from the time she was a little girl. I know the values she has developed over the years are because of the family she grew up in. It’s good to know she has stayed close to those roots as an adult in the 30 age range.
Anyhow, in her Christmas Letter, which she noted was the first Christmas Letter she has done, I want to quote to you the wish she gave for the new new year. (I asked her permission to do so) please remember when you read this that these wishes are from her, but they are wishes that I would agree with, and want to wish each one of my readers!…so here goes: To quote my friend:
“My Wish for you and world this year:
• A warm bed
• Enough food, but not too much
• A new friend
• People to giggle with
• Peace. Real Peace
• Understanding
• A little mystery
• Hope
• Good Health
• A Merry/Happy/Joyous/Fan-tabulous/Righteous Holiday Season!
And as part of the Baby Boomer Generation, I completely concur, and wish each of my readers the same!