Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye to 2006

Goodbye to 2006
As we say goodbye to 2006, let us each remember all the good things about the past year, and not dwell on the bad things of the year. If we made mistakes, may we learn from them. May we remember the blessings and the things that made this year special.

I want to acknowledge the losses I had of loved ones and special people who left us in 2006.
Good bye to Friends from our Hope UMC Family:
Berneta Smith, Shirley DeJanes, Lewis Oakland, Sharon Mickolajak, Helen Massie, William Tryon, Helen Olson, Blanche Johnson. I will especially miss Lew Oakland and Blanche Johnson, who were special friends of mine and Bob's.

I lost two second cousins, Mary Masemer Guise and Jim Craig, both of these cousins were within a year of two of my age.

I will remember each of these with fond memories. Goodbye 2006 on to the new year!

I wish


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