Sunday, November 27, 2011

Black Friday - Not for Me!!

No....I did not participate in Black Friday shopping.  I didn't even shop during the day on Friday, or Saturday or today!  I really think it's sad that the stores open earlier each year, and this year opened at midnight!  It's sad that those that work these retail places have to work such hours.  I'm afraid that next year, they will be open all day during Thanksgiving, as a few of the stores this year were.  The hassle with the crowds is just too much for me.  I looked at the ads, and didn't even see anything that I thought was a "good deal".

Our daughter in law and her Mother go out every Black Friday and I think they do it more for the "fun and the adrelein rush that they get.  They went out at Midnight and shopped all night, coming back at 6:30 or 7 am.  Our daughter and granddaughter went out about 11 am and shopped most of the day.  There's a difference though, between the four of them and me.  They all  "enjoy shopping", or I should say they "Love shopping".  I'm really not much of a shopper.  Never have been... I never feel I have the money to really shop, and so it makes me more "nervous" than "happy".   I don't get the high that some get.

I'm glad they enjoyed their night (and their day) I'm happy for all those that did shop, and I hope it helped our economy - I'm just happy I wasn't along!



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