Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Pieta

Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
Today while baking I watched a show I taped that had to do with Christmas and Christianity. It talked about Mary, as all shows about Christmas do. In all the talk about Mary, one thing came to my mind that I haven’t thought about in a very long time.

The sculpture that Michaelango did of Mary, holding her son’s body after it was taken down from the cross. What a special piece of sculpture. It reminded me of the awe that I felt back in 1965 when on a moving walkway (such walkways almost unheard of in those days) I was able to view the real Pieta by Michaelango. It was on loan to the New York World’s Fair, I believe it was in the Vatican Pavilion there at the fair. I have always felt honored that I was able to go to the New York World’s Fair, not once but twice. The first summer it was there, I went along with my cousin and her family. The following June, our high school senior class trip went to the fair. It is probably the only World’s Fair I will ever get to. It was a real honor to see this piece of sculpture that has so much meaning, to think how as a Mother, Mary must have felt as she held her son’s body. We wished we could stand in front of it for as long as we wanted, but the moving walkway moved on…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren and I saw that beautiful sculpture when we were in Italy. It is moving, I agree.

5:29 PM  

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