Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Extreme Weather

In Duluth we have just been through two very, very cold and windy days! Yesterday morning we woke up to 40 mph winds, roads glazed with ICE and below zero temps and wind chills. Schools were closed. Luckily I did not have to skate to work on the icy roads. I am fortunate to work for an organization that thinks about the dangers of driving on icy roads and minus -50 below wind chills. Our office closed yesterday. With the severe wind chills today, the schools and our office were closed again.

I really enjoyed my day off yesterday, even though I worried about how swamped I am at the job, and knowing I would be behind one day, I tried not to think of it. However, today, it was just too hard not to think about the work load and how much more that load would be with a second day off. The roads were clear today, so travel wasn’t hard, as long as your car doesn’t break down, and with only going downtown, I decided I had to go into work at noon. I worked all afternoon, got a lot done, so maybe tomorrow and Friday won’t be as bad, as if I had stayed home.

Besides, I didn’t have energy to do any cleaning at home, or any of those jobs that you "save for when you have time", I certainly didn’t accomplish any of those things yesterday – I figured I might as well go to work. After all, I got lots of rest yesterday. (Read my post below).

The temps have risen somewhat today…and I think at 5 tonight it was up to -8 below zero. The winds have died down from what they were, and it’s to be better tomorrow.

I’ll bet the kids and teachers enjoyed their two days off. I wonder what the Mothers do that work full time when their children get a day off of school. I am so glad I am through worrying about that. Now, instead I worry about my grown children driving to and from their places of employment on icy days like yesterday! (I prayed a lot for them!)


(See "Relaxing Day" post below)
"The Tudors"
It was an interesting series. It was about King Henry VII. The series had a very handsome man playing the King. Now, I thought this was funny because every photo of King Henry that I’ve ever seen has him looking very heavy and not very handsome. Don’t you remember when you were growing up hearing about him and all his wives, how when you saw pictures of him, you wondered how he could attract that many women? But, then I did some searching on the internet and read more about him, and discovered that he became King at age of 18. Well, these stories I was watching were about him when he was in his 20’s and early 30’s, so I guess he could have been a handsome man then. The biography states that he was very athletic and was an avid sportsman in every sport. It got me interested to do a search and read about Anne Boleyn, and Henry’s other 6 wives. The series had beautiful actresses playing the parts of Katherine and Anne, but when I looked up photos of them, neither of them looked too beautiful. It even said about Anne, that other than her eyes and her brunette hair, she was not all that beautiful. I guess, that’s why when I see a movie about a historical figure, I like to read up on them, to see how accurate the movie is.

I learned a lot from the series and from my reading that I didn’t really understand before, concerning the King’s part in the reformation, the break from the Catholic church and the beginnings of Protestant movement…the reformation was beginning, but the King’s insistence that he get a “divorce”, truly did make the reformation come sooner!

Did you know that Henry was being prepared for the church until his brother Arthur passed away? Did you know that he fought with the church for 7 years trying to get them to sanction a divorce, during which time he wanted Anne to be his mistress, but she refused. She insisted on marriage and would not be his mistress. (No wonder he fought so hard for that divorce!) Due to his Catholic roots, he was more monogamous than most kings, he did not have the amount of mistresses as many kings in his day did. Did you know that his first wife, Katharine, was the daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain? And, of course, I’m sure you know that Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled for 40 years, was the daughter of King Henry and Anne Boleyn. I’ll have to do some more reading to find out just why after only 3 years of marriage, he had Anne beheaded, his daughter Elizabeth was only 2 years old then, she didn’t even remember her Mother. How sad. All very interesting to me.
Note: the photo I posted of the King, is one of the few that I found showing him as a young man, and believe me, the actor who portrayed him was MUCH more handsome than this! But, then, would a movie really have an actor who wasn't good looking?

Relaxing Day - Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008

We had terrible icy roads, below zero temps and 40 mph winds on Tuesday, Jan. 29th. The schools were closed and my office was closed due to the weather. I thought “great, now I will get some extra work done around the house, extra cleaning, extra projects, etc.” Well, did I do any of those things? No. I spent the morning relaxing, reading the newspaper, watching the “Today” Show. It was great. “Oh”, I thought “After lunch, I’ll do some cleaning”… ummm … no…. I did not.. Instead, I spent the afternoon watching movies about King Henry VIII of England! It was wonderful being inside all day, when it was so miserable outside!

On Sunday afternoon I had watched the movie “Elizabeth” on cable TV. I enjoyed it, as I always enjoy historical stories, biographies and history in general. It was about Queen Elizabeth I of England.

A few months ago my husband and son insisted that we “just had to” get a service from our cable company called “On Demand”. So many movie choices to watch anytime you want, was the plea. There are so many movies listed, and in all the time we’ve had it, I have only seen two movies that interested me, one was “Wild Hogs”…it was a very funny movie. Then on Sunday I found “Elizabeth”. My son told me on Sunday evening, if you liked “Elizabeth”, you would like “The Tudors”. Apparently it is a series that was on Showtime last year. So, Sunday evening I watched 2 of the 10 shows. Yesterday afternoon and evening I watched the other 8.

Nice relaxing day! Relaxed when I should have worked around the house...oh well....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Deep Freeze Ends

Our weather has warmed up the last two days.... it hit 20 degrees yesterday, and I'm not sure of the high today, but know it was above zero. What did I tell you earlier this winter about the sun? Yep, that's right, it's warmer today...but very overcast. The snow depth will be good for the dogs racing this week in the Beargrease, but they would have welcomed the cooler temps. They are now saying that conditions may be too warm. But... no worry ... the race won't be cancelled this year. It starts tomorrow at 1 pm.

25th Annual John Beargrease Sled Dog Race

25th Annual John Beargrease Dog Sled Race Starts Tomorrow!

Last winter the 25th running of the annual John Beargrease Dog Sled Race had to be postponed, and then cancelled, because we didn’t have enough snow. There will not be a problem with the snow this year. Tomorrow the race will begin at 1 pm at Ordean Middle School here in Duluth. This 400 mile race along the North Shore begins right here in Duluth. There will be many people at the starting site to send off the dogs and their handlers.

John Beargrease, the son of a Chippewa Chief, is most remembered for his legendary mail delivery runs. From 1887-1900 he hiked, sailed, rowed, and during the winter, traveled by dog sled, delivering the mail up the North Shore between Two Harbors and Grand Marais. The John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon, a dog sled race along Lake Superior's North Shore commemorates the life of John Beargrease. It is a tribute to his memory and a celebration of life along the North Shore.

(Photo: Clint Austin/Duluth News Tribune)

January Visit

I took a small trip this past week. Wednesday I had a training session to attend at the Mendota Heights Office in St. Paul for “professional development” to add to my record with my employer. It was a very good training, and well worth my time. Some day I will write a post on it. Anyhow, one benefit that I have with attending trainings and meetings in our office in the cities, is that my daughter’s home in Hudson, WI is only a 25-35 minute drive, depending on traffic, away from the office. So, I like to tie in a visit with her and her family when I need to go down there. The weather cooperated this time, so I drove down on Tuesday, spent the evening with them. She and her friend Kelly, who I dearly love, spent a fun dinner out that evening.

Leaving Dawn’s house to go to the office at 8 am, sure beats leaving my house in Duluth at 5 am, to get there by 9! She and I both took vacation days on Thursday so that we could spend some “quality” time together, just the two of us. We dropped off Madelyn at school the temp was a brisk minus -16 below with wind chill close to - 30, so we didn’t want her waiting outside for the bus. We had coffee at Caribou with Skylar before he had to take off to school, (of course, he’s a senior, so you know HE doesn’t ever take the bus!) We did a little shopping - I was really surprised at how many people were out in the stores on such a brutally cold winter morning! I guess it shows that Minnesotans and Wisconsinites don’t let the cold weather keep them down! We lunched at Pier 500, downtown Hudson, overlooking the frozen St. Croix River. I was on the road back to Duluth by 2:00 to avoid the cities rush traffic, and to get home by dark. It was a good visit and a good drive down and back. The weather was very cold, but the car was warm, and the roads were dry and clear.

Son's Older! (A Mother's Realization)

January 25, 2008

Son’s Getting Older - Rob's Birthday

Oh my gosh, can’t believe it – today is our oldest son’s birthday, and he is 29!!! How could 29 years have gone by. Since I’ve been working on going through photos, I see all those darling photos of when he was a baby, toddler, his school years, it’s been so much fun looking at the photographs. I know every Mother thinks that their children were darling when they were little, but really, Rob was the most darling little boys you’ve ever seen, right up there with Scott, Dawn and our Grandchildren!! (Rob is on the right... with his little brother Scott, who is now 26!)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back to the Photos

I've had my break now. I have to get back to my photo project. The guys in our house are at the edge of their seats, as the Packers game is tied. I'm sure my Wisconsin Son in Law is also on the edge of his seat.

Don't Worry About Dusting....

Dust if you must,
but wouldn't it be better
To paint a picture or write a letter,
Bake a cake or plant a seed.
Ponder the difference between want and need.

Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
With rivers to swim and mountains to climb,
Music to hear and books to read,
Friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the world's out there
With the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come around again.

Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it's not kind.
And when you go and go you must,
You, yourself, will make more dust.
Remember, a house becomes a home
when you can write
"I love you" on the furniture.

(read my post below)

Memory of Another Cold January Weekend

When we get cold weather like this in January, it brings back bad memories for me. Memories of a cold weekend just like this one in 1980. When we get cold weather like this, and also, when Rob’s birthday comes I get a terrible pit in my stomach remembering that awful weekend. I also remember it whenever I think that I need to scurry around and go crazy cleaning my house for company and being obsessive over having my house perfect for the company. The memory of that weekend, ALWAYS reminds me that I should not be obsessive over how my house looks, and it helps me to slow down, and remind myself that my house doesn’t have to be a “showcase” and that people are visiting to see us not our house.

That weekend I was preparing for a cousin to come from Pennsylvania to visit me. It was a cold Saturday, temperature below zero and wind chill in the minus twenty’s below. Our Robby, the baby, was a year old that day. We were going to celebrate his birthday the next day when my cousin was here.

My cousin and her 2 year old son were flying in to visit us, while her husband was on business in WI. I was so concerned over impressing my cousin with our house, and wanting it to be just perfect and spotlessly clean! So, I was working like crazy that day. My husband was watching sports, and Dawn and our almost 1 year old son were here, being a 9 year old and a baby. The baby, Robby was in his circular walker, remember those… he was having so much fun in it. My husband had a cup of coffee on the end table, and of course, with as quick as babies are in their walkers, even with both Dad and sister watching out for him, you guessed it. He reached up without either of them noticing (and I was in the hallway, doing of all things…scrubbing the walls! – now WHY did I think I needed to scrub the walls?!) and pulled the coffee cup down, with the hot coffee going over him. We were never so scared in our lives. I took him to the bathtub and ripped off his shirt and doused his shoulder and chest with water, with him screaming the whole time. We got in the car with him, and rushed to the ER at the hospital. I will never forget that ride! We didn’t know there was a “burn unit” at Miller Dwan, so when we went to the ER they wrapped him in ice and had us take him to the Burn Center at the other hospital, which was just a few blocks away.

My cousin flew in the next day, and she and her son spent most of her days here with me in the hospital with our baby, trying to show her around Duluth in between. She couldn’t believe how cold it was and I was too worried over our son to even notice the cold below zero temps we had the whole time she was here! Robby ended up in the burn unit for over 4 weeks, and with the worry that he would have to have skin grafts. Fortunately, as the burns healed, he did not need skin grafts, but he did need to wear a jobst pressure jacket for over a year. It was the worst thing that happened to any of our children, and all three of us, felt responsible for it happening. I made sure to impress on both Bob and Dawn, that the fault was mine. If I had not been so worried about my house being clean and trying to “impress”, it would never have happened!

Let me tell you that was the last time I drove myself crazy over cleaning my house so obsessively for company. I learned my lesson.

My daughter worries about her house being clean and spends a lot of time on it. She told me recently that it is because of me, that she is that way. I couldn’t believe that, but then I thought about how before I had the last two children, I probably was that way. When I think about it now, I do remember spending every Saturday (I worked full time up until we had Rob) cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! I guess maybe she’s right. Sad thing, is that she didn’t notice that after the boys came along, and I’m sure especially after the accident with Robby, that I certainly did ease up on worrying about my house being perfect, and being obsessive over cleaning it.

I now subscribe to the thought that "people come to see us, not the house".

The Deep Freeze

Well, our January low temperatures are now here. The last few days have been very cold and yesterday and today, we are hovering between the -16 to -20 below temps, not counting the wind chill and with the wind chill, for example this morning at 10 am it was minus -36 below.

I guess we can’t feel alone in this cold, as sometimes we can, it sounds like it’s a deep freeze all over the country! It is almost 7:00 pm and I haven’t been outside since I came home from work on Friday. Thank goodness, I had no place I had to go. So, my thought during this kind of deep freeze is, “why go out if I don’t have to!” My husband’s in and out, to the fitness center, of course – and he said it’s brutal out there.

Tomorrow is to be the same, and I’m so glad that our office is closed for “Martin Luther King” holiday. I’m not planning to go anywhere, unless my husband convinces me to maybe go for lunch with him. We should go out and celebrate his birthday, which is today. He didn’t want to go out today, due to the sports on TV. (Watching the Packers right now…can you imagine, they are playing football in Green Bay tonight, and the wind chill is minus 25 below zero at the start of the game, it will only be getting colder…we all feel bad for the football players!)


Today is my darling husband’s 61st Birthday. One year closer to Social Security, he reminds me. He is 61, but he doesn’t act 61 nor does he look like he’s 61. But, then of course, as us baby boomers have said before… 60 isn’t what 60 used to be when we were growing up. (Wasn't he the cutest little boy!!)

I tried to get a little party together last night, however, between the UMD Hockey game and the deep freeze we are having, I couldn't get anyone together. Today, sports was on all day, and the Packers tonight, so we will celebrate Bob's birthday along with Rob's. Rob's birthday is in 5 days. The cold spell hopefully will be broken by then.

Good Project for Cold Weekend

I must take a break. For two days I have been working on my “picture project”, which means going through 30 some years of photographs and trying to get them sorted into some sort of order. The last time I did anything like this was in January, 1979 when I was home, not working, and getting ready for our second child to be born. I put all of Dawn’s photos into albums. Of course, after 29 years, those photos are looking yellow in the albums, and I would really like to put them together now with the photos of the other two children. My idea is to sort them and put representative photos of the kid’s childhood, and make a book for each child. After I know what photos I want to use, I want to scan them onto a flash drive and either give them to them that way, or put them on a DVD. But, FIRST, the hard job…deciding WHICH photos, and how I want them organized, I started working on this project the last time I posted about it, quite a few months ago, and am just now getting back to it. I figured with this cold weather, I don’t want to go anywhere, so would be a good time to tackle it again. I’ve been working most of yesterday and most of today on it. Now, I feel like I need to take a break. This is really an OVERWHELMING job. So, I’m going to take a break and do some writing, since I haven’t written anything all week.

I just received a call from a friend and she told me she was in the middle of doing the same thing this weekend, but instead of photos, she is sorting through FABRIC, as she is a sewer and a quilter. She said she has so much fabric that she needs to organize it. Thank goodness I do not sew, or in addition to everything else I tend to collect in our house, I’d have piles of sewing and quilting materials also!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

More Jenga

Jenga and Hearts

There was no room at the bowling alley for the guys last night until late, so they came back to the house early. Rob had purchased the game "Jenga" for his niece for Christmas and was told by her Mother that she already had the game. So last evening he brought the game out, and we all decided to play it. We sure did have fun! My grandson was SURE that I would topple it over right away, and that it would be a hard game for Grandma to play...I showed him otherwise....I won the game twice, and in all the games we played I only toppled it once.

Then we played cards...we played Hearts, a real fun card game. I'm not good at cards, never have been, but Hearts is pretty simple, except if you strategize, which is what you really need to do to make sure you don't end up with lots of hearts in your hand, or the "old lady card". Well, I'm not good at being strategic! Because of that, needless to say I always seemed to end up with a lot of hearts! We had so much fun. It's been a long time since I've played cards, and I'm amazed that when I do play, how I had forgotten how much fun it is to play cards. We laughed so hard so many times. One time I got on such a laughing jag, we all were laughing, but I was laughing the hardest and the longest. I could NOT stop laughing... I laughed so hard that my stomach and sides ached. Did you ever do that? In spite of it looking like I would be the loser during most of the time, in the end, Skylar ended up passing his Grandma, and HE was the loser of the game! Then I laughed some more! We played until 1 am. What a fun night we had!
The roast is in the oven for us to eat together in an hour or so.
Family, food and could I not be happy!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happiness Is Your Grandson Visiting

I’ve had a happy afternoon. Our Grandson came up from Hudson, WI to visit his Grandparents and Uncles. He and his friend are here for the weekend. We played three games of “Sequence” this afternoon, and ate homemade brownies. We took goofy photos with my new camera and deleted most of them. We enjoyed together the movie “The Devil Wears Prada. Now, Rob and the two of them went out for the evening to get a bite to eat and bowling after. They plan to stay all day tomorrow, so that will be fun. I suggested them going to church with us in the morning, Skylar said “No, Grandma, I’m not going there for you to show off your grandson and say, remember Skylar?” (Most of them would remember him from being with us when he was younger).

Now, would I do that!?!?!


Did any of you catch the "20/20" show last night on TV? It was about “Happiness”. My Mother used to quote Abraham Lincoln who said “People are as happy as they make up their minds to be”. I do believe that is true, I always think of that, and strive to "make up my mind to be happy" no matter what life throws me. It isn't always easy, but I try my best. Another one of those influences of my Mother. She did not let circumstances get her down. She used to say when I'd say someone was unhappy, "well, they'll get glad again". Another famous saying she would tell us when we would say "It's not fair", was that "Nobody ever said life was fair".

After hearing this show, I believe more people will understand that it is up to them to make themselves happy. There was an author featured who did research and wrote a book that was published last month that said that “Happiness is within us” and that “40 % of us control the circumstances that make us happy”, that only 10% of happiness depends on “life’s circumstances”. It’s our attitude, our outlook, and we are in control of doing “intentional activities” that will make us happy. Now, isn't that something! The book is titled “The How of Happiness”, by Sonja Lyvbomirsky. She did say though, that she believes that some people have a “Happier Brain” than others. Meaning that someone with a “Happy Brain” when they have negative emotions the negative emotions don’t last, the negativity is not dwelled upon. Very interesting subject to think about as we start our new year!

Happiest Place on Earth

According to studies, the cold, dreary, and land of the highest taxes, DENMARK is the happiest “place on earth.” It was a big surprise to those doing the “happiness” study. It’s strange because it’s weather is cold most of the time, the sun doesn’t shine as much, and the government taxes them highly, apparently they are the highest taxed in the world. But, the tax dollars give them security in that their health and education is all government paid. Those doing the studies feel that one of the reasons they are happier there is because there is a lot less emphasis on material things, and because of that, careers are chosen based on what the person really enjoys doing, rather than on what career will bring them the “most money!” So, people are much happier in their jobs. They also are not driven to keep up with fashion, they are very sensible, and they nurture relationships. Friendship and family are very important to them. These reasons for happiness, all seem to make sense.

The happiest city in Asia is Singapore. This was a surprise also, because it is a country that has many rules. Because of these rules there is a big sense of “community”. There are huge fines for the “smallest infraction” of the rules. A majority of the rules have to do with orderliness and cleanliness. It’s very important in this city. Family and community is emphasized. One way Singapore differs from Denmark, is there is a lot of competition. They also strive for material things and strive to be more like the U. S.

Speaking of The United States, the happiest place here, according to the studies, is the town of Asheville, North Carolina. “Community” there is big. To the residents of Asheville, everyone is valued. “Other people matter” is their attitude.

The unhappiest city in the world is Paris, France and Rome, Italy is also on the “unhappy list”, those are surprising.

So…are you curious to know where the United States stands on the happiness level?
We are number 23.

Prospective and Blessings

And...speaking of friends and the workplace:

One of my friends was telling me this week that her co workers have been complaining a lot. She noted that they were complaining about minor things, nothing really major. They apparently weren’t taking time to count their blessings, or to think on the positive side of their every day lives. She is one of my friends that I asked to be in prayer about a friend that grew up with our daughter and now is married and lives out of state. She lost her Dad less than two years ago, and lost her Mother in the summer. When she was here for the funeral she told me they were expecting twins in January. I was very happy for them. The babies came pre-mature and the little boy died soon after and the little girl has been in the ICU since. She e mailed and asked for prayers for their little one on Monday, as she would be having some more surgery. My friend thought about this family and the losses they already have had and what they are going through, and she told her co/workers about the family and that they should all be grateful that they only have small, insignificant things in their lives to “complain” over, and to look to those who would "really have something" to complain about. (Prospective!)

I received a sad e mail yesterday telling us that they lost their little girl, she died in their arms, after the surgery. I am keeping her, her husband, and their family in my prayers, as they deal with these losses.

In 2008 Let's keep things in prospective and count our blessings!

Visit with Old Friends

Earlier in the month I was speaking of friends - yesterday was a very delightful day. All on the same day, I was able to see and visit for a bit with two former co/workers, who are no longer with us in our office, but that we all enjoyed working with. One of them stopped in the office to say hello when she was in our building on other business. It had been a long time since we saw her, and it was wonderful seeing her again. The other one I ran into at a restaurant when I was out for lunch with my husband. She’s only been gone a few months, and she has Friday’s off at her new job, so she was there with her husband and her two little boys. It was good to see both of them.

When both of them left our office, we all vowed to stay in touch. We don't see them very often, but we enjoy when we do get together.

And more on old friends....we got a phone call this morning from our friend who lost his wife in November. He went back to their home in Florida that they have spent together for the last 5 winters. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go there alone, but he told me he made the right decision. There is so much community in the retirement village that he is in, lots of friends there, lots to do, and lots of SUN! We miss him, but know he made the right decision, right now he needs people around him and community, to help him. (As I said in my "Happiness" post, see how important community, relationships and social contacts are to us human beings, Joe has found this.) Each of his children are all going down at different times of the winter to visit him too, which will be good for him. (family). Losses are hard, friends are a big help in dealing with loss. And seeing the SUN shine everyday will help too!

We miss you Joe, but we are happy that you have good friends down there. We'll see you when the warmth and sunny days come back to Duluth!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

January Thaw

Today it was 40 degrees coming home from church. The snow is melting off of the side streets, hurray! Let's get the snow melted before the deep freeze comes again and makes them slippery. The sun still is not shining, but at least we aren't having wind chill factors and below zero temps. We know when this weather comes in January, it won't last. It's just a nice little thaw before the next big freeze!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Warm But Gray Day in Duluth

Fun with the Camera

This morning I noticed that we had snow and ice covered trees that looked really pretty. I thought it would be a good time to go out and take landscape photos with my new camera I received for Christmas. I decided to start down by the lake, but when I got there, it was warmer (32 degrees) so the trees were just bare, no snow or ice. It is a very cloudy, dreary day, even though it’s warm. When I got back up the hill to our house the trees were not as pretty either. Remember what I told you about Duluth – when it’s warm, it’s cloudy and sunless, in other words “gloomy” would be the word. Downtown I made a stop at my favorite place to get photos developed, to have them develop my photos from my “little chip” in the digital camera. The kiosks were busy, so while I was waiting my turn, I asked what the piece I got with my camera called a “XD Reader/Writer” was. Low and behold, upon hearing what its purpose was, I realized I didn’t need to stand in line! Thank you dear family for including one of these with the camera, you see it is used to transfer the photos from the camera to my computer! I had already tried to do that, and discovered I couldn’t do it, because our computer is too old. But, with the XD reader/writer I can! I came home and transferred my new photos to the computer, then downloaded them to the photo place, and tomorrow I can pick them up! How about that!
Also, with the digital transfer, I don’t have to wait till the photos get developed with a cd, now I have the photos already! Wonderful technology huh?!! So, here I have posted a few of my first photos. My first ones were of people over the holidays, but my daughter isn’t too pleased when I post photos of her family, so these will be mostly landscape photos. I did see a group of boys, all dressed alike, which told me they were in town for a hockey tournament, at Canal Park. They were playing on a huge snow pile at the corner of one of the parking lots. The Aerial Lift bridge is in the background. When they saw me taking the picture, they got together and posed for me. I think I’m safe posting them because they were from the cities area, and I’m sure will never see this. Needless to say, I’m going to enjoy my camera!

The Fruitcake Queen

Speaking of traditions, some say that fruitcake giving is a tradition during the holidays. I don’t know about that, most people I know say they hate fruitcake. Our church women make a very good fruitcake that is not hard, it is very moist and delicious. I tend not to give them as gifts, because I know people would probably not even give it a chance and taste it, even when I tell them "this fruitcake is different". I do, however purchase a few of them when they make them, to support their cause, and I enjoy eating them. Everyone who tries Hope's Fruitcakes likes them, I'm pretty sure, because each year when they make them for a fundraiser, they have lots of orders to fill.

There was a brand that my Mother used to buy that she and Dad really liked, it was one that was very moist, and it could only be purchased through mail order. I don’t know what the name was. When I went home in November, I tucked 2 small loaves in my suitcase. I told my sister in law I would put them out for the party we were going to have. She told me that she was the “Fruitcake Queen” because she had the best ever recipe for it, and was in fact, in the process of making it for the holidays. Apparently hers was made with a yeast “starter”, and it sat on her kitchen counter and was to be “fed” and/or stirred every few days until it was ready to bake. My brother told me that even those that hate fruitcake, love hers, and so did he. She told me when hers were finished, she was going to send me one. Last week I received a package from her. Inside was a lovingly wrapped fruitcake. Tim was right, her fruitcake was very good! It was moist and much like cake. It reminded me of Mom’s raisin cake, which was one of the best homemade cakes she made. We have never been able to locate her recipe for it, but we wish we had it. That reminds me, I have one more small loaf of Hope’s fruitcake in the freezer, I’m going to get it out for tomorrow. Yes, Vickie, you are the “Queen of the Fruitcake”. (Just don’t let the church women at HOPE hear me say that!)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tradition I can't seem to Break...

I told you in the post below that I didn't really send Christmas cards this year, except for a very few out of state and some here in town that we NEVER see throughout the year, and some elderly homebound.

Anyhow, I couldn't stand it... I bought New Year's cards and on New Year's Day, I wrote them out, and they went in the mail on Wednesday. Those that we see on a regular basis, I did not send and I called my aunts and uncles last week instead of mailing cards. It was great talking with them. I had planned to call cousins, but didn't get that done, so sorry cousins, you didn't get any cards either.

I guess it is just a tradition that I have trouble breaking or doing away with completely. Next year I will have to go back and do what I've always done each year for 37 years! It's part of my Christmas Tradition and always will be!

Never Too Late - Fun Top 10

I was worried that our name was taken off the Christmas Card list from an out of town family that we always look forward to hearing from at Christmas. We didn't get a card from them, and as I told you, I didn't do many cards this year, so they didn't get one from us. I sure missed hearing from them and I thought, oh no, they took us off the list because I didn't send them one! They always do a Christmas Letter telling us about their year and it is a Christmas Letter that even those of you that don't like Christmas Letters, would really love! Their letter is always funny, it makes you laugh, and you always feel great after reading it! Each letter includes a "TOP 10 LIST." It always has a lot of humor in it, and sometimes you laugh so hard, know! It also includes things that everyone can "relate to".

Well, today I was excited to see their Annual Christmas Letter in the mail! I guess they were just behind, and it's great to get cards and letters after the 25th as well as before! In fact, if you missed that card or letter, it's even more welcome after the 25th when we suffer the "After Christmas Let-down!"

I sat down right away and read it. As usual it was great fun, and they didn't disappoint - the Top 10 List was there. This year's top ten: THE TOP TEN SIGNS THAT SUPPORT THE BELIEF THAT THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME".
They also included a whole page of family photos taken throughout the year. It sure did make my day!

They commented about "Spending hours mulling over a Christmas Letter that nobody reads anyway." Not true. We read it and love it. I hope they never stop the annual tradition.

We thank them for not taking our name off their Christmas Card List. Already looking forward to next year's Top 10!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Wind Chill Advisory - Warm hearts

Must be January! We must be having a more usual winter here in Duluth than we've had for a long time. There is a wind chill advisory for tonight starting at 7 pm through tomorrow morning. It is to be -21 below wind chill tomorrow morning at 7 am! Just in time to go back to work! I heard yesterday that this December was the 6th snowiest December on record. And,
our drought is now officially over!

We had a lovely afternoon. It was a cold day outside, but warm in our home. When you spend time with friends it always warms up your home and heart. I happened to remember that my friend was on call today for her job (she is a social worker), and home alone. I called this morning and invited her to eat our New Year's meal with us. December has been hectic for us both, and we haven't had much time to see each other, so it gave us a good time to visit. She is my best friend that is the "Friend you can Empathize With", that I talked about in my post last evening.

A good start to the new year - time spent with our friend.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
