Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jenga and Hearts

There was no room at the bowling alley for the guys last night until late, so they came back to the house early. Rob had purchased the game "Jenga" for his niece for Christmas and was told by her Mother that she already had the game. So last evening he brought the game out, and we all decided to play it. We sure did have fun! My grandson was SURE that I would topple it over right away, and that it would be a hard game for Grandma to play...I showed him otherwise....I won the game twice, and in all the games we played I only toppled it once.

Then we played cards...we played Hearts, a real fun card game. I'm not good at cards, never have been, but Hearts is pretty simple, except if you strategize, which is what you really need to do to make sure you don't end up with lots of hearts in your hand, or the "old lady card". Well, I'm not good at being strategic! Because of that, needless to say I always seemed to end up with a lot of hearts! We had so much fun. It's been a long time since I've played cards, and I'm amazed that when I do play, how I had forgotten how much fun it is to play cards. We laughed so hard so many times. One time I got on such a laughing jag, we all were laughing, but I was laughing the hardest and the longest. I could NOT stop laughing... I laughed so hard that my stomach and sides ached. Did you ever do that? In spite of it looking like I would be the loser during most of the time, in the end, Skylar ended up passing his Grandma, and HE was the loser of the game! Then I laughed some more! We played until 1 am. What a fun night we had!
The roast is in the oven for us to eat together in an hour or so.
Family, food and could I not be happy!


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