Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Relaxing Day - Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008

We had terrible icy roads, below zero temps and 40 mph winds on Tuesday, Jan. 29th. The schools were closed and my office was closed due to the weather. I thought “great, now I will get some extra work done around the house, extra cleaning, extra projects, etc.” Well, did I do any of those things? No. I spent the morning relaxing, reading the newspaper, watching the “Today” Show. It was great. “Oh”, I thought “After lunch, I’ll do some cleaning”… ummm … no…. I did not.. Instead, I spent the afternoon watching movies about King Henry VIII of England! It was wonderful being inside all day, when it was so miserable outside!

On Sunday afternoon I had watched the movie “Elizabeth” on cable TV. I enjoyed it, as I always enjoy historical stories, biographies and history in general. It was about Queen Elizabeth I of England.

A few months ago my husband and son insisted that we “just had to” get a service from our cable company called “On Demand”. So many movie choices to watch anytime you want, was the plea. There are so many movies listed, and in all the time we’ve had it, I have only seen two movies that interested me, one was “Wild Hogs”…it was a very funny movie. Then on Sunday I found “Elizabeth”. My son told me on Sunday evening, if you liked “Elizabeth”, you would like “The Tudors”. Apparently it is a series that was on Showtime last year. So, Sunday evening I watched 2 of the 10 shows. Yesterday afternoon and evening I watched the other 8.

Nice relaxing day! Relaxed when I should have worked around the house...oh well....


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