Saturday, January 05, 2008

Fun with the Camera

This morning I noticed that we had snow and ice covered trees that looked really pretty. I thought it would be a good time to go out and take landscape photos with my new camera I received for Christmas. I decided to start down by the lake, but when I got there, it was warmer (32 degrees) so the trees were just bare, no snow or ice. It is a very cloudy, dreary day, even though it’s warm. When I got back up the hill to our house the trees were not as pretty either. Remember what I told you about Duluth – when it’s warm, it’s cloudy and sunless, in other words “gloomy” would be the word. Downtown I made a stop at my favorite place to get photos developed, to have them develop my photos from my “little chip” in the digital camera. The kiosks were busy, so while I was waiting my turn, I asked what the piece I got with my camera called a “XD Reader/Writer” was. Low and behold, upon hearing what its purpose was, I realized I didn’t need to stand in line! Thank you dear family for including one of these with the camera, you see it is used to transfer the photos from the camera to my computer! I had already tried to do that, and discovered I couldn’t do it, because our computer is too old. But, with the XD reader/writer I can! I came home and transferred my new photos to the computer, then downloaded them to the photo place, and tomorrow I can pick them up! How about that!
Also, with the digital transfer, I don’t have to wait till the photos get developed with a cd, now I have the photos already! Wonderful technology huh?!! So, here I have posted a few of my first photos. My first ones were of people over the holidays, but my daughter isn’t too pleased when I post photos of her family, so these will be mostly landscape photos. I did see a group of boys, all dressed alike, which told me they were in town for a hockey tournament, at Canal Park. They were playing on a huge snow pile at the corner of one of the parking lots. The Aerial Lift bridge is in the background. When they saw me taking the picture, they got together and posed for me. I think I’m safe posting them because they were from the cities area, and I’m sure will never see this. Needless to say, I’m going to enjoy my camera!


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