Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Extreme Weather

In Duluth we have just been through two very, very cold and windy days! Yesterday morning we woke up to 40 mph winds, roads glazed with ICE and below zero temps and wind chills. Schools were closed. Luckily I did not have to skate to work on the icy roads. I am fortunate to work for an organization that thinks about the dangers of driving on icy roads and minus -50 below wind chills. Our office closed yesterday. With the severe wind chills today, the schools and our office were closed again.

I really enjoyed my day off yesterday, even though I worried about how swamped I am at the job, and knowing I would be behind one day, I tried not to think of it. However, today, it was just too hard not to think about the work load and how much more that load would be with a second day off. The roads were clear today, so travel wasn’t hard, as long as your car doesn’t break down, and with only going downtown, I decided I had to go into work at noon. I worked all afternoon, got a lot done, so maybe tomorrow and Friday won’t be as bad, as if I had stayed home.

Besides, I didn’t have energy to do any cleaning at home, or any of those jobs that you "save for when you have time", I certainly didn’t accomplish any of those things yesterday – I figured I might as well go to work. After all, I got lots of rest yesterday. (Read my post below).

The temps have risen somewhat today…and I think at 5 tonight it was up to -8 below zero. The winds have died down from what they were, and it’s to be better tomorrow.

I’ll bet the kids and teachers enjoyed their two days off. I wonder what the Mothers do that work full time when their children get a day off of school. I am so glad I am through worrying about that. Now, instead I worry about my grown children driving to and from their places of employment on icy days like yesterday! (I prayed a lot for them!)


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