You know I’ve written that I was the team captain for a Relay For Life team for our 15th Annual Duluth Community Relay. This event honors all cancer survivors and is held in memory of those who have lost the battle to cancer. This is the number one reason that each of us relay. We walk the track, lined with lighted luminaries in honor of and in memory of our loved ones who were touched by cancer. It is a real honor to be on a team and to honor and memorialize.
The by product of the relay is that it raises funds to be used by The American Cancer Society for
programs, resources, education, patient services and research. The American Cancer Society funds the
Navigator Program, which provides a staff person to help cancer patients and their families to “navigate” through their treatment and disease. The Duluth Office has a Navigator. She helps to find patients rides to treatments, gives them support through resources, information and lets them know about programs and help that is available, not just through ACS, but also through other sources. We have a “Wig Room” in our office, that someone who will be going through treatment and losing their hair, can come in and choose a wig, free of charge. We also have scarves and hats, and mastectomy items available at no cost. Our Duluth Navigator is one of the most compassionate women that I know. I often wonder how she keeps her prospective and compassion, having to deal with this horrible disease of cancer every day, but she does. We are so fortunate to have her in our Duluth office. She covers not only the community of Duluth, but also all of St. Louis County, Itasca, Carlton Counties and Douglas County, Wisconsin. Donor’s money goes to the Navigator program, as well as other programs. Your donations help fund the
24 hour, 7 day a week hot line, which is available to everyone with cancer questions, concerns. You will get a live person to talk with, even if it 3 am in the morning! Also, the web site: , information, resources, and things you want to know about cancer can be accessed through this web site.
Our team was comprised of Hope UMC members, and some of my friends not affiliated with the church. The members got to know each other, working together for the same cause. Our team name was HOPE UMC Wranglers, (wrangling cancer).
I am so proud of my team, for their enthusiasm and commitment. I am also proud of my church, Hope United Methodist Church for the support that our congregation gave to our team. We appreciate our Pastor Michelle’s support. She came to the event and let us know that she was with us! We
raised over $7500. Last year we raised $2600, so we
tripled what we did last year! We worked together on team fundraisers, which made a big difference this year. Of course all those delicious candy bars we sold helped also. We sold over 1400 chocolate bars between the end of May and July 14th!
The levels for recognition for teams are from lowest to highest, Bronze, Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Diamond. Last year were a “Bronze team”, this year with our $7500, we are a
GOLD team. By the way, our Duluth Relay is at
$116,000 right now, with money still coming in. Our fiscal year ends August 31, and we are anticipating we may reach $120,000. Last year our final total was $105,000. This will be the most our relay has ever made in its 15 years! We also had the most cancer survivors involved and being honored at the survivor reception and first lap. Last year we had 130, this year, close to 175! Honoring cancer survivors and remembering those lost to cancer, is really what the the relay is about.
Our team is excited about next year, and already making plans what we can do to fundraise to reach a goal that we want to set of $10,000. Sounds ambitious, but our goal this year was $2500, never dreamed we’d reach $7500. I want to credit a few members who went above and beyond - Vangie raised over $2800! She lives in Proctor, and I believe that she covered all of Proctor in asking for donations. She is also a United Methodist, a member of Forbes Proctor UMC. Thank you to Forbes congregation in the support that they gave to Vangie! We also have a Lutheran on our team, Peg, we thank Peg and her husband, Jim for their tireless work of selling things at Sidewalk Sales and the night of the event to add to our team total. They sold things at Sidewalk Days when the heat was unbearable, they were unstoppable! Thank you Peg and Jim! Beverly, who came on board in June, spent a lot of time running to different locations with our candy bars. She also was our leader for our major fundraiser, the Omelet Breakfast and Silent Auction. These dedicated people went above and beyond and on behalf of all of our team and myself, I thank them.
The event's top team raised over $20,000 and we have one Platinum team at $10,000 and quite a few teams that raised between $7,000 and $10,000, so our goal for next year is not unreachable. We have a lot of dedicated people involved with our relay, that want to make an impact to make life easier for those struggling with cancer, and most of all, of course, to find a cure to end to this disease!
If any of you reading this, gave me a donation, please know how much I deeply appreciate your donation. I raised over $1,700. To all those reading this that have given to
any of our Relays this year, I want to also thank you. Thank you to any of you that have participated in a Relay For Life.
You are all part of making a difference! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! PS: The Duluth Relay Committee is looking for committee members, volunteers who want to help with the planning of next year’s event. If you are interested, or want more information about how you can help, please call (218) 727-7439, option 3 and ask for Amber or Linda. If you are interested in the Relay events for Carlton County, Superior, Itasca County, and other St. Louis County Relays, that would also be the number to call. (Toll free: 888-727-7439). Next year’s Duluth Relay For Life will be July 13 -14th, 2007 at the College of St. Scholastica. Mark your calendars!