Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Losses and Memories

We have all felt like we have lost one or more opportunities in life, lost loved ones, etc. We often wonder what our life would be like if different paths were taken, different choices, but I think we are not supposed to dwell on those questions. I believe we are not supposed to live in the past, though it is quite tempting to at times. I think that if we did dwell on the past and agonize over past decisions, worry about what was done or not done, that we would all go crazy! All of us would be emotional wrecks if we did that.

I believe we must live each day at a time and make the best of each day, not thinking about what has been. Any therapist will tell you that we should not carry our “baggage” with us into the future. We can always remember the good things, and have those memories, they cannot be taken away from us, but again, we cannot obsess over those memories, or we will be at risk, emotionally. Good sense tells us to treasure our memories, but not become obsessed with them.
The same goes for the losses we have had, we must not become obsessed over them.
We must resist the temptation to do so.

Memories and losses…lets keep both of them in the proper prospective.

Remember we have the “Present”, let us live in the present and be happy.


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