Monday, August 31, 2009

The End of An Era

Do any of you feel as sad as I have been feeling this past week, with the passing of our last Kennedy brother? It brought all the memories back of when we lost JFK and Robert Kennedy. And, of course, for us baby boomers Martin Luther King is with those feelings also. And, the Kennedy sister, Eunice also passed away recently. She sure did contribute a lot in her life. Think of all Senator Kennedy did for getting legislature passed that contributed for the better. He really didn't need to become President, I think he did a lot more as Senator. I thought it was a real tribute to him, that our President Obama gave his eulogy. The first that has ever been done.

Teddy will be remembered well, along with his brothers.

I was able to see/visit JFK's grave site the spring of '64 in Arlington, when the eternal flame was very new to the gravesite. There was only ground around it, no plaque, stones or anything. The photo I am posting is what it looks like today. I look forward to visiting Arlington again some day, to see all three Kennedys.

Where Did Summer Go?

School starts in Hudson, WI for our Granddaughter, Maddy, tomorrow already! Boy, that seems early. Don't think schools start here in Duluth until next week.

Where did our summer go? This past weekend sure did feel like fall, and again today it was cool. Of course, I think most of us in Duluth wonder if we even had summer? July was the coldest on record for Minnesota! There was frost warnings the last two days! Well, the weatherman says it will get warmer by the end of the week, and nice for the weekend. We'll see. I really don't mind the temperature being in the 70's, but don't like to think autumn is upon us already.

Madelyn's Birthday

We were in Hudson to celebrate our Granddaughter's birthday, and I forgot to tell my readers about it. She turned 9 on August 23rd. Here are some photos ... see how she has grown! Prettier every day! I always bring her birthday cake from Duluth, she and her Mother just love cakes from Mt. Royal's Bakery. Our daughter says there's nothing better! We had a nice celebration. I was especially pleased that I choose an outfit for her that she actually really loved! (It helped that I knew to buy it from her favorite "Justice for Girls" store. Her Dad, who is a master at the grill and the kitchen, made a delicious meal for her Birthday, for us all to enjoy together.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Oh, speaking of whether I am a Martha or a Mary (see posts below), and about the retreat I attended yesterday, I must tell you something funny. For the "ice-breaker", in the beginning, Pastor Laurie had us each write down 3 things that described us, and ONE of them had to be a false statement. Then she had each of us read what we wrote, and everyone was to vote on what we as a group thought was the "false" statement. She said this would show how well we knew each other. Well, with our group, out of 17 of us there were only two that we had trouble guessing, so we realized that we all knew each other very well! We laughed a lot, when the false statement was made for most, we identified right away that it was false and then we would laugh one of the women said she was a good seamstress (not!), one said she was a good cook (not!). Well guess what my false statement was, that made everyone, and I MEAN EVERYONE laugh so so hard.... it was this:

"I am an organized person"

Ha Ha Ha.... oh really? NOT! What a fun game that was!

They all know me so well!


One thing I really love about our new computer... well there are many things I love about it, but I never had this option with our old one. I can listen to my favorite radio stations while I browse the internet and while I write on my blog! How great is that! Now, Rob tells me I can go on to the Hulu radio site and compile exactly what songs I want to hear. I will do that when I have a chance. He has been adding some of his favorite music, from his CD's, I want to do that too. We have a head phone, so that we don't disturb anyone else while we listen. Also, can watch TV shows and movies on it.

I scanned a recipe today that I wanted to e mail to a friend, and that was wonderful, having a printer/fax/copier and scanner ALL in one! It's nice to be up with the new technology. (I will be for at least a little while).

Moving Onward

As you will notice from my post below, our church, HOPE UMC has had a pastoral change the beginning of last month. Pastor Laurie Boche has been sent to us, and we all feel very blessed to have her with us. She came to us from Southern Minnesota, and she was excited to come to Duluth, as she loves Lake Superior, and even more amazing she loves cooler weather. She has lived in Texas and some of the southern states in her past life, and does not like the heat and humidity. She felt at home right away, and of course we made sure that we welcomed her with our northern hospitality! Since I read that this past July was the coldest July on record... I'm glad we could accommodate her in that area!

Yesterday she met with our leadership of Hope, for a workshop/retreat from 9 am - 2:30. We had a great session. Made plans for the rest of 2009 and 2010 and looked forward to the next three years, set goals for what we want to see at Hope. We are excited about our future!

If you do not have a church, and are looking for one, please visit us. We are a healthy and welcoming congregation. Worship is at 10:00 am, 301 W. St. Marie St., across from UMD.

Martha and Mary

Do you know the story in the New Testament about Martha, Mary and their brother Lazarus?

So, if you do, do you know if you are a Martha or a Mary? For those who know me, you know which one I am.

Well, these last few weeks our Pastor Laurie (did I tell you we were given pastor the beginning of July at Hope UMC??), has been giving her morning messages on some of the women of the Bible, the series has been very good. Last week she talked about Mary of Bethany, who was the sister of Martha and brother of Lazarus (remember, Jesus rose Lazarus from the tomb, after he had been dead for 4 days). This morning she talked about Martha.

These two sisters were both very different. They both loved Jesus, but each showed their love in different ways. They each have their own gifts to give, but different gifts. Mary is the sister who was more emotional, more mediative. She was the type who would be visiting, rather than being in the kitchen. Martha was the "action" sister, always "doing", she kept busy cleaning the house for company, cooking and making sure that everyone was fed well, and treated well when they visited. She got very upset at her sister, because her sister wasn't helping her in the kitchen, instead, Mary was visiting with Jesus, and listening to his every word. She also poured expensive perfume on his feet. Jesus told Martha not to scold Mary. You see, Jesus knew that each of them had different ways of showing him their love, and of showing hospitality. He knew that each of them made a whole in showing their love.

The message in Pastor Laurie's sermon was this: In our day and age us women seem to be very busy being Martha's, even some women who's personality is more like Mary. Raising children, working, (both at home and the workplace) running the kids to school activities.... doing, doing, doing.... action women. But, she reminded us that it takes two halves to make a whole on how we live a Christian life. We need a balance of both a "Mary" and a "Martha". We need to take time to "be a Mary", mediate, pray, and make that connection with God, for the strength she can draw from that connection. Have that balance in your life, get that connection, whether you are a Mary or a Martha.

Thank you, Pastor Laurie for reminding us!

Getting Used to....

I haven't written lately, because the keyboard on our new computer is different, the keys are flat, not raised, and the "feel" is so different. I'm a good typist, not having to look at the keys, and with this new keyboard feel, I make mistakes, and it takes me longer to I haven't felt like writing my blog until I'm faster, since as you know, I usually write more than a line or two!
It's getting better, so I will do a post or two this evening.

I also haven't had much energy in the evenings, as the job has been giving me long, hectic days again. Our fiscal year ends tomorrow, and we have to try to get everything "wrapped up", tomorrow, or for sure by Friday (a few days of grace). My job requires more and more data entry all the time... and there is a lot of information that has to go into one of the data bases for all thirty relay events we had this spring and summer!

So... you might not hear from me again until next weekend, after tonight

Monday, August 17, 2009

Stimulating the Economy

Saturday a week ago, we were "consumers", we stimulated the economy!

One reason I haven't written since July 20th was because our computer's anti virus told us that it could no longer update because it would not support any program older than Windows XP. Well, our son has told us for years we needed a new computer. Ours was purchased in 2000, and we had Windows ME, which we've been told lately was not a good operating system. I didn't believe our son, until I purchased a scanner in Feb. to use for organizing photos and to scan old photos. Well, it wouldn't work on my computer. A point our son was sure to point out again, about us needing a more up to date computer. But, I didn't make a move until the virus updating wouldn't work. I was paranoid to go online, they've made us so afraid of viruses, and didn't look forward to it crashing.

Needless to say, I missed being online. Last week I took two vacation days off, Thursday and Friday. Thursday evening hubby and I went out for dinner. After dinner I suggested we stop at Best Buy and look at a computer that our grandson helped me pick out one weekend when he was here. Had trouble convincing hubby at that time, to make a purchase. But when HE
couldn't go online, he was then convinced!

So, we did computer shopping and Saturday evening we went back over the hill again and made our purchase. We helped to stimulate the economy! The only problem I'm having with the new one is getting used to the feel of the new keyboard, so different than the old, it sure slows up my typing. But I am really enjoying the extras that this new one has, over our old one. It's great!

Another Summer flying by!

Oh my, I just logged in this evening to blog. I knew I hadn't written in a while but didn't know it's been almost a month! Well, I have energy tonight to write because I had a day of vacation from work! We were in Hudson for the weekend, and came home this morning. I had a nice relaxing afternoon and evening, with only a slight bit of stress...had my annual mammogram at 2 today, but it was fast, I was in and out of the Breast Center in 1/2 hour! Then I stopped and gave my car a much needed car wash and cleaning inside....the whole nine yards.


Women over 40 - Have you had your Annual Mammogram? I had mine this afternoon, and all I could think about during the procedure is how I was being "squeezed" like a lemon! Of course, I also remembered that it was a good thing I was doing for my health, so guess I can put up with 10 minutes of squeezing. Now, I will sigh a sigh of relief when I get my letter telling me everything is well.
