Monday, August 31, 2009

The End of An Era

Do any of you feel as sad as I have been feeling this past week, with the passing of our last Kennedy brother? It brought all the memories back of when we lost JFK and Robert Kennedy. And, of course, for us baby boomers Martin Luther King is with those feelings also. And, the Kennedy sister, Eunice also passed away recently. She sure did contribute a lot in her life. Think of all Senator Kennedy did for getting legislature passed that contributed for the better. He really didn't need to become President, I think he did a lot more as Senator. I thought it was a real tribute to him, that our President Obama gave his eulogy. The first that has ever been done.

Teddy will be remembered well, along with his brothers.

I was able to see/visit JFK's grave site the spring of '64 in Arlington, when the eternal flame was very new to the gravesite. There was only ground around it, no plaque, stones or anything. The photo I am posting is what it looks like today. I look forward to visiting Arlington again some day, to see all three Kennedys.


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