Sunday, August 30, 2009


Oh, speaking of whether I am a Martha or a Mary (see posts below), and about the retreat I attended yesterday, I must tell you something funny. For the "ice-breaker", in the beginning, Pastor Laurie had us each write down 3 things that described us, and ONE of them had to be a false statement. Then she had each of us read what we wrote, and everyone was to vote on what we as a group thought was the "false" statement. She said this would show how well we knew each other. Well, with our group, out of 17 of us there were only two that we had trouble guessing, so we realized that we all knew each other very well! We laughed a lot, when the false statement was made for most, we identified right away that it was false and then we would laugh one of the women said she was a good seamstress (not!), one said she was a good cook (not!). Well guess what my false statement was, that made everyone, and I MEAN EVERYONE laugh so so hard.... it was this:

"I am an organized person"

Ha Ha Ha.... oh really? NOT! What a fun game that was!

They all know me so well!


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