A Pennsylvania Day
It started yesterday; we got rain instead of snow because the temperature was warm. Then the temperature dropped throughout the day, and by evening it got colder and the rain turned to sleet. We had icy sleet and icy roads last night. A friend wrote me an e mail this morning telling me that they were coming from Minneapolis on the freeway yesterday and saw so many accidents due to the icy roads. They did arrive home safely, but it took them a lot of extra time, and it was a stressful drive for them. She had such compassion for those she saw in the ditch and in accidents. Another couple that we are friends with, were to fly into Duluth at 10 pm last night and the plane came in, wouldn't land due to the weather, turned around and went back to Minneapolis due to the ice, didn't get back to Duluth until 3 am! They were also returning from Arizona! March is a very "iffy" month here in Duluth. We never know what weather we might get!
Our neighbors across the street just arrived home this afternoon after spending 5 weeks in sunny Arizona. What a day to return from a winter vacation! The trees are ice laddened, we have a rain/snow mixture falling, and the fog recently rolled in. Earlier in the week I was going to write about how fast the snow has been melting here in Woodland, we can now see our front lawn grass, and we only have a few small snow areas left. This was due to the warm temperatures we’ve had, some sunny days, and some rain. At least the neighbors won’t see as much snow as when they left. We took photos of their house after our last big storm that they missed, so we can show them what they missed!
A few years ago in March we had a terrible ice storm that brought down many power lines, and it affected so much of Duluth and so many power lines, that it took days to have our power restored. It happened on a Monday and we didn’t get power back until Thursday night at 10 pm! I was happy to go to work on those days (downtown had power). It’s tough to be out of power when everything in your home runs on electricity. It was all due to ice, NOT snow. I can’t remember in 37 years, ever being without electricity for more than 3 hours, until that week.
I’m glad when days like this happen on a weekend, because then we can stay inside and not worry about going out. It’s a good afternoon to take a nap!