Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Daffodils and Surgery

It was a hectic week at the office. I spent the last three days helping Amber and Joni to make their daffodil programs go smoothly. All the daffodil related questions went to me or to my voice mail, and the calls came, as they do each year! Answering lots of phone calls, lots of questions, coordinating the Gifts of Hope for the hospital delivery from the florists, helping to get the flowers delivered, helping to set up and maintain and staff for on site sales tables, finding help for the tables and sitting at the Holiday selling daffodils when we didn’t have anyone, finding more volunteers to help with delivery, putting out “fires”, apologizing to those who got their orders with a bunch or two missing, just to name a few of the things that need to handled in the office during our big “Daffodil Week” each year.
I also was busy today doing things ahead, and making sure that everything is covered for my being gone from the office for my medical leave that starts tomorrow. Today was especially stressful, knowing that I needed to have everything in order to “be gone”. Last time I had someone that would cover for all my first of the month things that need to be done, since I was there now for "first of month" duties, I had all of them to do, in only a matter of 3 days, in addition to helping with daffodils. Oh well, I got through it all.

I want to thank everyone that have already been praying for me to have the surgery moved up. Last Thursday during the storm, the surgeon called and told me the equipment came in and that he could do it March 8th. I go into the hospital tomorrow morning at 8:30, the surgery will be at 10:30. I decided to go ahead and work today, as I knew I was needed. I feel like I am so so ready for this surgery to done. I feel your prayers already, because I am not feeling worried or aphrensive about the surgery.

Another good thing that happened this morning that really cheered me, our Grandson from Hudson called. He is on spring break from school and he is planning to come up to Duluth to visit. He will either be here tomorrow or Friday. It will be so good to see him again.

SO…you may not hear from me for a little while, depending how I am feeling. If you don’t see any writings, you will know why. But, I promise, as soon as I feel good again, I will be back to writing! Until then, I wish you all well. I thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers for healing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you Linda. We are thinking of you. I nearly took a picture of my beautiful daffodils opening in the 2 lovely vases I put them in, but then I remembered you were sick of daffodils!

Take care.

4:48 PM  

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