How Do You Measure a Year?
"Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes,
"Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes,
I saw the Duluth Playhouse production of the former broadway show from the '90's, this week. One of my co/workers and her fiancee had major roles in the play. The show was so well done, the cast was so talented, such great voices and acting. My co/worker and friend, when she heard I was going to the show said "Oh, Linda don't hate me after", she was referring to the part she was playing. "My goodness", I told her, "how could I ever hate you"!! She is the sweetest girl ever, I love her dearly, and of course, as I told her "you are an are only acting the part, Iknow that". She thanked me, saying not everyone does. Yesterday she told me that her Mother will not be seeing the show, that her Mother "wouldn't be able to handle it". Too bad, for her Mother, missing out on seeing her daughter as a good actress, with a great voice! I would be so proud!
Early this morning I watched a movie from the cable station. It was a silent movie from 1928. I really have never watched a whole silent movie before. It was interesting. It was "The Passion of Joan of Arc". It was about her trial and of course ended with her at the stake. I must say, the men in the movie had to be the ugliest men I've ever seen. The actress who played Joan, however, was a great actress! She was a stage actress, and this was the only movie she was ever in. The commentator before the movie said that the director was very hard on the actress during the filming, made her kneel on hard stone floor for hours and things like that, for getting the suffering effects he wanted, during torturing scenes, etc.
Another friend e mailed and asked me if I wasn't going to be blogging anymore... no, Diane, don't quit looking. I'm here!