Thursday, April 08, 2010

Visit with Grandson

Tuesday and last evening I was in Hudson, WI visiting our daughter and her family. (See more about my Wednesday in the post below). It was much warmer down there, as usual and it was nice to see GREEN grass there. Their leaves aren't out yet, but one of her bushes had buds on already. I am posting some photos here.

On my way back to Dawn's from my meeting last evening, I stopped at the dance studio where our Grandson Skylar was teaching dance. I timed it well, between his classes, and was able to spend about 15 minutes with him. He and I are very close, so he is always so happy to see his Grandma, and of course, I feel the same way. He is the sweetest Grandson a Grandma could have! He is 20 now, and hasn't really felt the need, or felt that he was "ready" to go to college. But, he told me last evening that he is now seriously thinking of going to school, to at least get a 2 year degree. He said he now sees that he really needs to do that, to get ahead in life. Well, you know, Grandma was happy to hear that! I love him so much though, that whatever he does, is fine with me. I only want him to be happy, but it is nice to think that he is doing some maturing. (note- this photo of him is about 2 years old)...


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