Saturday, December 15, 2007

Who is Hannah Montana?

Christmas is coming up fast as it always does every year. Next Saturday we are heading to Hudson, going early to watch our grandchildren perform in “The Nutcracker”. This means the last weekend to do any shopping. I hate shopping on the weekends in December, but the evenings after work seem hard too. Since I’m not much of a shopper, I procrastinate, and decided this year I wouldn’t wait until the very last week, and so I have done some shopping already. However, I didn’t know what to get the Granddaughter. Today her Mother told me to get her a “Hannah Montana” Barbie Doll. I have never heard of Hannah Montana, and I realized how “out of it” this Grandma is when it comes to children’s toys and current pop culture. I didn’t want to go anywhere near the mall this weekend, and she told me I could find Hannah at Target. Well, I figured Target would be almost as bad as the mall, so I put off going this morning. I thought if I went later in the day, it wouldn’t be as bad. What was I thinking? I have never seen so many people in the Target store in my life. Carts upon carts, people everywhere, carts blocking aisles, practically tripping over people, some aisles could have used someone directing traffic. Then the check out lines…oh my! I decided that as long as I had to be there, I would finish up my shopping there, and make sure I wouldn’t have to go to the mall for anything!

I found her doll. I also found an adorable snow globe that played “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, with the year 2007 on it. I thought it might be something to give her that would outlast “Hannah Montana”. I also bought a “nativity” snow globe music box for Skylar, also hoping it’s something he will keep for a long time and remember Grandma by. I had given him a large snow globe when he was Madelyn’s age, and he just loved it, and it still sits in his room.

I was able to finish up the rest of my list there…so now I am finished with the shopping, hurray! I am feeling less stressed now!


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