Monday, December 10, 2007

Our Baby Boy - Another Birthday

We just came home from dinner celebrating our youngest son’s birthday. He is 26 years old today. It was good to see him tonight. We don’t get to see him as often as we would like.

I was thinking today about the morning he was born. It was very early in the a.m. and by 1981 things changed in the hospitals. When our daughter was born in the early 70’s, the baby was whisked away from us and we could only look at them through the nursery window, except for feeding time, then we were allowed to have them. By the time our second child came in 1979, things eased up, we could have “rooming in” in our room, but not until after they were whisked away after the birth to the nursery for awhile. By 1981, we were allowed to hold the baby right after their birth, for as long as we wanted, before they took the baby to the nursery. Bob and I spent at least an hour, maybe more, just holding him and bonding with him. It was such a neat time, just the three of us. I will never forget how big his brown eyes were, and how he looked around at us with those big brown eyes, awake the whole time. He was so alert. We couldn’t get over how alert he was and not one bit sleepy. It sure was a wonderful morning for us.

That year was the best Christmas, along with of course, the first Christmas of our other two children. Those first Christmas’s of our children, were the very best Christmas ‘s of our lives! Having a Christmas baby is especially very special, because you truly feel that this child is your Christmas Gift, and it’s the only gift you need. We were so thankful. It was also good because it’s the only year in 38 years that I had my Christmas shopping done ahead of time, groceries for Christmas in the house, and all the gifts wrapped, and cards mailed…. all before the end of the first week in December! Scott was also an Anniversary gift for us, as our Anniversary is December 13th!

Our baby boy is grown up, but I will never forget the morning he was born! His Dad and I treasure the memory, and hope that we will never forget it.


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