Thursday, December 06, 2007

Down and Back

I told you I’d have to decide Wednesday morning if I was going to drive to the training in St. Paul. I got up early and looked at the weather up here and down there, and saw no sign of snow. I decided I should go, because if I didn’t, the training would have to be made up another day in the winter, and that weather might be worse, so get it over with, is what I decided! If I had known the freeway would still have a lot of snow on it, I might have chosen to stay home. Because the wind chill was below zero and the temp at 5:30 was 7 degrees, the snow was still on the freeway, and since it was dark when I left, the first half of my drive was not good. It took me over 45 minutes longer to get to Hinckley than usual. I had to stop in Rush City, as my windshield wipers weren’t cleaning my windshield well, and snow was piled between my wheels and the mud flaps. After Rush City, the roads were much better, they were clear of snow, just wet. I arrived late, but they were just getting started, because the staff that came from the St. Cloud office got there only minutes before me, as their roads and traffic were bad also, so I didn’t miss anything. The training was good, and it was on a database that I have to be working in for the staff, so the sooner I know how to do it, the better.

The weather forecast showed snow this morning, down there and up here, so I decided to drive home after the training rather than go to Dawn’s house and stay over. I missed seeing her, but know I made the right decision, safety wise. The drive home went well. I got home at 6 pm. I was tired. Driving 300 miles in one day is tiring.

We did get snow today, nothing compared to Tuesday, just light snow off and on all day.
I had a stressful day at work; two weeks ago they added two more staff members from remote offices that I am to support. So, I came back to a bunch of work orders waiting for me from the two new girls. There are many times in my work day that I wonder how I will get everything done, and that was before two more people were added to my work load…oh my…

Glad tomorrow is Friday!


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