Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Great Weekend


What a lovely weekend our family had.  At the spur of the moment, our daughter and her family decided on Saturday morning to drive up to Duluth.  Her husband is a hunter, and he wanted to get his deer stand put up on the property where he and his friends hunt.  They knew the weather was to be better up here than  in Hudson too (unusual!)  It was such a lovely surprise. We were so happy to see them and spend two days with them.  It gave Dawn an opportunity too, to visit with her brothers and sister-in-law.

I can't believe how our Granddaughter, Madelyn is growing up so fast.  Lately, everytime I see her, she looks older.  When I first saw her on Saturday, I noticed that she is no longer a little girl.  She is now a pre-teen!  She started Middle School last week, and she looks the part.  Before we know it, she will be all grown up, like her brother Skylar!

The weather was so beautiful....sunny and 70's!  Dawn and Maddy, however, did wish it were a bit warmer, but I was in heaven.

They went back home yesterday morning.  After they left, I tore apart our bedroom closet and cleaned it out, and put summer clothing away and got fall and winter clothing out.  It made me feel like I got something around the house accomplished on my long weekend!  Then, of course, it was back to the job this morning!  It was a good work day though, as we realized it was Tuesday and not Monday...short week...yeah!!


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