Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lake Walk - Lake Superior, Duluth, MN

The weather here has been perfect for walks. I love to walk on our Lakewalk, but don't do it as often as I should. Yesterday I took advantage of the good weather and took a walk. This time I walked from the Eastern part of the Lakewalk instead of the part by Canal Park. And, no I did not walk the whole thing. I'm just too out of shape to be able to do that. However, when Stacie was here, I dropped her off at the eastern part and she ran the whole thing. By the time I drove down to Canal Park and parked, she was done with the run. I think it's 2 1/2 or 3 miles. On my lunch breaks sometime I go to the Rose Garden and walk... no matter what part of the walk you do, it all runs by Lake Superior, and it's beautiful! A lot of people bike it too. I believe the tourists have embraced it so much more than the locals. Once again, people that live here take things like the Lakewalk for granted, and think it is there...I can always do/or see it... there's always tomorrow...then the time goes by and they just don't get to it. I was talking to someone the other day, who said she'd never been to Gooseberry Falls, Split Rock Lighthouse, or even
Enger Tower (which is right here in town)!!! So much beauty here, so much to see and appreciate!


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