Friday, August 26, 2011


Our niece from Pennsylvania visited us the first week of this month (August). It has been a long time since we have had company from my family and friends in PA. I was on cloud nine that week...I took a week vacation, so I could show Stacie everything!!! My posts from now on, for a while will show photos of the places I took her. So, those who have never seen Duluth or Northern MN will want to come up here and visit us!!! I am proud of Duluth and want to share!!!

I love showing off our city, our Lake Superior, all of our sights, and our North Shore.
I love being a "tour guide", it energizes me and reminds me of the beautiful things our area has to offer to not just the tourists, but to the people who live here. It's sad, that so many people who live here never go to see the tourist spots, never see what's new, and take our area for granted! It peeves me even more, when I hear Duluthian's complain about the "tourists" that is just plain awful. They should become a "tourist" so they would know what people see when they visit here, if they did, and they saw all the shopping visitors do in our shops, and the restaurant and hotel business...they would get quiet and never complain again!!! I talked to several visitors, who told me that they come to Duluth each summer because they love it so!!! We shopped at all the shops in Canal Park on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, and there were so many people shopping, spending money, helping our economy...if there were that many on off days such as Monday and Tuesday, think of how many there are on weekends!! Everyone that lives here needs to smile, welcome and chat with our tourist and visitors. Make them feel at home, let them know we are happy to share our beautiful Lake and city and North Shore!!!

Since it has been a few years since I have shown Duluth off, there were places I hadn't checked out lately either, and I found so many improvements, our city's visitors/convention bureau and "Visit Duluth" organization are doing a great job in promoting and in keeping our visitor sites in good shape. I was really surprised at the Enger Tower area, that has been under restoration for the last year or so... it is really beautiful! I know that our Mayor has a priority to restore Skyline Drive that has fallen into disrepair lately...and after driving it, it certainly does need it...thank goodness that will be addressed and fixed!

So many things to be proud of in our city.... share the beauty, share the enthusiasm and encourage visitors.... and let the visitors know how much you love the area you live in!!!


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