Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beautiful Duluth Days/Hurricane Irene in the East

The last few days have really been what I term as "Perfect Duluth Days"....low humidity, sunny and the temperatures in the 70's!! I have to say with our perfect days we are having, I keep thinking of the weather that the East Coast and Eastern states have been getting with Hurricane Irene. I feel so much for what they are going through. I have been watching the weather channel almost constantly the last two days. Yesterday, I called my siblings and asked if they were ready for the storm. My brother told me that they brought everything in from the deck that they could, and tied down all that couldn't be moved. We have family also in Maryland and South Carolina, Virginia and good friends in New Jersey. Most of them are on facebook with me, so I have been hearing that the worst that has happened is being out of power for a time, but they were prepared for that. I talked to my sister this afternoon, they got a lot of rain and wind and lost power, but no damage, thank goodness.

I remember the summer of 1972, one of the hurricanes created a lot of damage from wind and rain in our area there in Adams and York Counties. I can't remember which hurricane that was, maybe "Hazel". The reason I remember it so well from here in Duluth, is that my brother was getting married and I so wanted to be in PA for his wedding, but we could not afford a plane ticket and hubby didn't want to make the drive. I have to thank my Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Dick from Carlise, PA. They drove out to Duluth and visited and then took our daughter, who was under 2 at the time, and me back home so that I could attend the wedding. Then, another Aunt and Uncle said they would drive us back to MN. Talk about wonderful aunts and uncles...I have them!!!! Well, we made it home for the wedding, but Uncle Bill, who was an engineer for a paper plant, was not able to leave work to drive us back, because of the damage there had been from the hurricane. So, that's why I remember!! So, how did we get back to Duluth, you ask?
My dear parents paid for a one way plane ticket back. My parents did so much for me all my life, this was just one more example. (Back in those days not everyone had major credit cards, and we did not have I couldn't slap in on a credit card)... now a days, that is what I do, ha ha.


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