Sunday, December 06, 2009

Festival of the Trees

Another tradition that happens on Thanksgiving weekend... The Junior League's "Festival of the Trees". This is a fundraiser for the Junior League and it has hundreds of vendors, with crafts, decorated trees for sale, and an auction. It keeps getting bigger each year, and this year it was held at the DECC (Duluth Entertainment Center), and there were two floors and lots to look at. I didn't go on Saturday, as there are so many people on the first day. It's held both Sat. and Sunday. So I dropped down there for a time on Sunday, to browse through the tables. I didn't buy a lot, but I did get a few small items, and of course some of the famous "Homemade Jr. League Toffee". Here are some photos.

The Season is Coming

I am a week late posting the "1st Advent Sunday" post, and even later posting about the concert that has become a tradition to our daughter and me to attend the Friday evening after Thanksgiving. The Lori Line Holiday Concert", pianist Lori Line brings her pop orchestra to Duluth DECC every Friday after Thanksgiving. This was her 15th year. She has been touring for 17 years. It's a great way to get into the Holiday Spirit.

This year, Dawn was not able to come up for the concert. I wasn't going to go, so didn't buy my ticket for the front rows, as soon as they went on sale in August. When the date got closer my husband suggested I should go, as I would miss it if I didn't. I told him I felt that if I went, I needed to share her with someone, maybe someone who has never been to her concert. I thought of many of my friends that I haven't seen for awhile, thinking this would be a good opportunity to get together with an old friend. After calling around on Thanksgiving week, I found an old friend that went with me. She never saw Lori Line, and she was thrilled with the concert, she really enjoyed it. We enjoyed being together, and I enjoyed sharing Lori with an old friend. What a lovely evening!! I am so glad I went, and so glad I was able to share it with an old friend!

PS... oh, I just now noticed that on Nov 27th I did already write about this...oh well, that was before the concert....

First Sunday in Advent

Boxes, tissue paper, tape, ribbons, tags.... is everything all ready now for the season of giving?
Wrap us in your love, O God.
Lights, wreathes, trees, lawn ornaments, window everything all ready
now for the season of celebration?
Light our way in the darkness, O God.
Schedules, Parties, Gatherings, Visits.... is everything all ready now for the time of gathering?
Guide and direct our lives and steps, O God.
What is there left to do?
Place our hope in your presence and love, O God.
But all the stuff we have to do....what happens to all of that?
Don't be frantic. Place your hope in God. Place your hope in God. Slow down. Listen. Behold! God is with you!
Where is God?
Here, right here, right now, beside you, before you, behind you - with you always.
You don't have to fear
Thank God.


This was the Second Sunday in Advent. For us Christians, this is the time of year that we prepare our hearts for the arrival of Jesus Christ, who is the "reason for the season". As our message from the pastor at our church gave us this morning, "we prepare for 'another run' at trying to be what God wants us to be." We keep getting chances to be what God wants, due to the GRACE that God gives us through Jesus Christ. For example: Wash ourselves of the old grudges that you may hold for others. Things like grudges tarnish our souls. God helps us to get rid of the grime in our souls. Our scripture this morning was from Malachi 3:1-4, if you'd like to read more.

"We have prepared our homes and our gifts, Lord, but we need help in preparing our spirits to receive your message of Peace. Free us from the stresses and strains of this time, and place your peace which passes all our understanding in or heart. For we ask this in Jesus' name. AMEN
