Monday, December 31, 2007

A Younger Friend

A Younger Friend – "Studies show that an essential element of a happy life is to nurture and feel useful to others – Younger friends often want to know how you raised teens without losing your mind, you can be a big help to a younger friend by passing on what you have learned through experience." From: Your Foundation of Friends, Elizabeth Larsen - Prevention
Magazine, Dec. '07

When I was first married, I had a friend that was at least 25 years older than me. She was a mentor to me, gave me advice on child rearing, and husband advice, and realized from her experiences that I would get through the “season” I was in. She helped me to know I was not alone in what life was handing me. She helped me tremendously.

I just met a young woman three weeks ago that I believe will grow into a friendship. She is 33, and she is going through a very tough time right now, and is pretty much alone. I hope to be a friend to her, like my older friend was to me, when I needed someone.


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