Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Pretty Much Useless"

I'm in agreement with a friend who wrote on her blog this morning:

"I'm a cool weather person. That's why I live in Northern Minnesota (or maybe it's because I live here). Anyway, when it's 90 and humid, I'm pretty much useless."

We've had another couple of hot days here again, the humidity I believe is lower today, so that helps, but yesterday and today there is a hot breeze! Usually we have a "cool breeze"! And I'm pretty much "useless in this weather." It's a good thing that I work in an office that has air condition, or I'd really be in trouble! The last two nights I have slept with a fan blowing over me, and our house feels like an oven. I've been pretty miserable the last few evenings.

Bob's cousin, Frank got into town yesterday afternoon from Arizona, he was missing a piece of luggage. It did get to him this morning, so at least they didn't lose it! He's not minding the heat.
He is staying at the Inn on Lake Superior in Canal Park, with a view of the lake. He said the room is nice, but not all that special, considering what he's paying for it. Tourist season in Duluth, I'm sure the hotel/motel rates are very high. His wife is joining him on Friday. Bob's sister and her husband come to town tomorrow. They will be staying at the Radisson. Let's see if Northwest gets them here on time and with all their luggage.

I do hope it cools off because we're having a family get together at our house on Sunday and I need not to be "useless" on that day!


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