Wednesday, August 01, 2007

PLAYFRONT - 17 Years Old

The other day I wrote about Playfront Park, that our Grandson wanted to go there on his visit to town. His Mother and I used to take him to Playfront a lot when he was a toddler and he remembers how he used to play there. He always loved going there and playing. Skylar is 17 years old. I didn't realize until I read the morning newspaper that Playfront Park is the same age as Skylar! It is 17 years old. I remember when it was built, by 3,000 volunteers. The Duluth Junior League planned it and paid for the materials. They organized volunteers to build it. The city gave them the land, and the city maintains it. The league made sure it was upgraded and refurbished in 2002-03. The park's lifespan has almost been reached because it's equipment is made of wood, the league would like to have a new plan for it before it wears out or presents hazards. They have a committee that is looking into whether it should be rebuilt where it is or at another location. Playfront,according to City Gardner, Tom Kasper, who is overseeing the future for Playfront, says "It's an incredibly heavily used play structure. It is by far our busiest playground out of all 46 playgrounds we have."

Thank you Junior League for giving our children Playfront and thank you for planning for its future! Our children thank you too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I's a great asset for Duluth.

4:30 PM  

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