Sunday, March 26, 2006


I’m glad I didn’t miss church this morning. Pastor Michelle had a wonderful message on “The Promise of Grace”. She talked about God’s grace to us. Grace is God’s gift to us. Grace is something given to us, not earned by us. She talked about John Wesley, the founder of our United Methodist Church. She told how everything he tried to do through his works in life, failed until he realized that our faith is through God’s grace, not through what we do. It was then, that his ministry grew in America. I was taught this in my study of the Bible and Sunday School through the years, but it was good to be reminded this morning, that we must trust in
The Lord’s promises and The Lord’s grace.

She quoted Bono of musical group U-2:
“Grace makes beauty out of ugly things.”

Here are some examples of grace from one of Michelle’s poems entitled “33 Names of Grace”. You can see the whole poem, all 33, by clicking on her blog “33 Names of Grace” which I have a link to on the left of this page.

The green of northern lights
The stars reflected in water
A car that always starts
Hot tea with fresh mint and sugar
The fountain pen that works on the first try
The year after your dog has reached her breed’s lifespan
The words that wait until you are ready
A God who waits until you are ready

I’m sure we can all come up with “names of grace”.
We also sang a new song this morning. It’s title is “Grace Alone”. It’s a beautiful tune and the words are so neat, I’m going to write them here. I will give the credits below the words.

Every promise we can make, every prayer and step of faith, every difference we will make is only by his grace.
Every mountain we will climb, every ray of hope we shine, every blessing left behind, is only
by his grace.
Every soul we long to reach, every heart we hope to teach, everywhere we share his peace is only by his grace.
Every loving word we say, every tear we wipe away, every sorrow turned to praise, is only
by his grace.
Refrain: Grace alone which God supplies, strength unknown he will provide. Christ in us our Cornerstone; we will go forth in grace alone.
Words and Music: Scott Wesley Brown and Jeff Nelson
(Eph. 2:8-10) – 1998 Maranatha! Music

May each of you reading this go forth in grace.


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