Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Getting Back on Track

I’m trying to begin again to “take care of myself”, back to exercise, back to eating healthier, walking, etc. The winter has been hard on my body, and now any progress I had made last summer or fall is gone. I know I’m one of these people that to keep weight off, I have to be consistent and work at it at ALL times! However, since I am a “comfort eater and a stress eater”, it’s hard to think of my body when life is hectic and stressful. It is not an easy thing for me. I also have a terrible sweet tooth, and when I’m feeling down or stressed, it’s just so comforting to me to grab something sweet. I wished that I liked vegetables and fruits as much as I like sweets.

My Mother had a weight problem all her life. She told me she was a chunky girl, and was never slim or skinny. She used to tell me things that would help with dieting and eating healthy, then she would always add after her advice “I know, I’m not one to talk, it’s not easy for me either, so I understand what you are going through and how hard it is. It’s easier said then done.” It was always comforting to me to hear that.

Our daughter has a sweet tooth, but she’s very good at controlling it. I don’t believe she is a stress or comfort eater. Scott does not eat any sweets (oh how does he do it?) My husband is very disciplined, and doesn't have a sweet tooth. I also believe that some people just don’t have much appetite in general, like some others of us do. This makes it hard for my family to understand how hard it is for me when it comes to controlling weight. I have a very dear friend, my best friend, she struggles too, she understands. We encourage each other in our battle.

I also think it’s been harder for me, because up until my middle thirties, I was skinny. Being slim, and not gaining weight, leads you to giving in to your sweet tooth and not eating healthy. Then all at once the weight crept up, so fast, I didn’t even realize it. Ever since I’m battling and it’s up and down, up and down! I’m not trying to excuse myself when I say that heredity and family genes has something to do with it, I think studies have proven this to be true. On my Mother’s side of the family, all of her brothers, her aunts, uncles and her Mother all battled with weight. My Dad, he was tall and very skinny all his life, until he retired from work and farming. Even then, he gained weight but did not get overweight. All of his side of the family have all been slim all their lives. It’s in the genes… I look like my Mother and I have her genes. I have my Dad’s personality but my Mom’s weight genes! My sister takes after my Dad. I don't think she will ever have a weight problem.

When I went to my 40th H S Class reunion last August, it was so surprising to see that all of us classmates that were skinny, are now heavy. All of the girls that were heavy, all are skinny now (I’m not kidding…it’s really true!). Now, why is that? Maybe because, like me, they were used to eating anything they wanted without consequence, where the heavy girls knew they couldn’t. When the heavy girls grew up, they made extra efforts to take the weight off, early in their 20’s, (when losing weight is easier) and made it a life style, determined not to let it come back on. What do you think?

I went to the water aerobics class at the Fitness Center last night. It’s my first step in getting “back on track”. Tonight I couldn’t go, as I have my small group meeting at church each Tuesday. But, I did go light on lunch and supper. I was too tired when I got home to blog. The excercise will make me tired for a while, before it starts to energize. I have to remember this fact!

Anyhow, I must make a good effort again because that devilish, sneaky disease, diabetes is also in my Mother’s family, and I am at risk. It is a disease that really scares me. Now, if I could just remember how much it scares me, when I eat, that would be helpful!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Linda. I really believe that over time our bodies change what food they love. Really!!

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim got a letter today in the mail from the doctor..he's border line diabetic. This will force him to lose weight and eat better. I have told him many a times, but husbands don't always listen to their wives. Peggy

6:11 PM  

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