Sunday, August 21, 2011

Views from the TOP!

We have a Visitors Center at the top of Thompson Hill. This is the hill that you come to on I-35 when you coming North from the Twin Cities. The views on these photos, is what you see when you are driving into Duluth from the freeway. It is a breathtaking view, and everyone who lives here and leaves, just for a short time away or when returning to their is a view that just about makes you weep from the beauty of it. These photos are in the summer. Can you imagine what the scene looks like in the winter with the snow and ice!! It's the view you know when you see it that you are "home" and you get butterflies in your stomach. So, Rob and I took Stacie up there so she could enjoy the views. One scene I didn't take, that you can see too, especially from Spirit Mountain, is the St. Louis River...also awesome to see. These photos don't even do the scenes justice! She enjoyed it. It made me remember, I need to go up there periodically to enjoy the views, not wait until visitors are in town!!! If you live in Duluth, you should too.


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