Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Your Body Doesn't Know What to Expect, Linda

Yesterday I met with one of my w loss mentors from Cold Fusion, who helped me a lot last summer, along with my Dietitican from "The Heart to Heart Program" at SMDC (who I still see also).

She told me...YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO, you just have to DO it Linda! Yeah, she's right. She said my problem these past few months is "Consistency". She told me that my "body does not know what to expect from me". It doesn't know when it's "going to be fed again" so it holds on the fat, "just in case" it doesn't get fed for awhile. She said that is why it's so important to eat at the SAME TIME every day, 3 meals, and 3 healthy snacks with protein, three times a day,mid morn., mid afternoon, and later evening. Now, this is what my dietician always tells me too, and this is how I lost weight last summer. AND, my dietician adds the LOW SODIUM, to this. Both of them tell me to eat lots of protein (which I know I haven't been doing lately) and *(of course) to cut down on carbs...no more than 30 at each meal, and to drink LOTS of WATER.

I did get a new prospective from Brook when she told me the part about "my body not knowing what to expect" because I'm so inconsistent. Now, that really makes sense if you think about it. It worrys about when it's going to get food again. She told me that is why, skipping meals and eating minimally never works.

So, I have had my breakfast this morning, WITH protein, and I have my snacks packed for my snack times at work. I get so involved with the job, that I often forget my snacks....maybe I'll have to put an alarm on my Lotus Notes on the computer (that's been suggested to me).

Wish me consistency today and the rest of the week...as I discipline myself to being consistent (it's not really in my DNA...like some people) My husband has that in his DNA - he is so disciplined and SO routine...I look at him and often wish I could be that way...but I have to work at it! (it comes easy for him)

BUT - I JUST CAN'T go BACKWARD in my weight...I worked too hard this past year to let that happen....it would be so foolish of me to give up and gain that weight back...which I would in a heartbeat if I don't watch it. No...it's NOT going to happen!
P.S. When I see photos of myself (like this one and the one with my Granddaughter, I AM REMINDED, that I have NOT met my goal weight! (however, it IS more about health than about looks...I was able to get off my Blood Pressure medicine and ward off cholestral medicine....now I must keep that nasty D disease (diabetes) away! That is my main concern! And, that is what scared me a year ago. I need to continue to remember the D word and be scared! It was my motivator last June.


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