Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sharing the Inauguration with Rose

Our office was closed yesterday in observance of Martin Luther King. I spent most of the day at the Hospice House with Rose. She has been transistioning, and yesterday she was, as the nurses put it "unresponsive". Between two nieces, my husband, our son and a friend of Rose's and myself, she was not alone from 10 am to 9 pm last night. I am getting ready now to go back up. I was going to go at 10:00, but will be going earlier. I called the nurse this morning and she told me that she feels this "may be Rose's day", that's how she put it.

As I told you in my last post, she was looking forward to the inauguration and I told her that I would come up and watch it with her. So, I will be there with her, with the volume up, hoping that she hears the President that she was so pleased to see elected get sworn in. She and I will share the thrill of President-Elect taking his oath of office.


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