Saturday, December 20, 2008

Heart Attack Waiting to Happen

Third Thing:

Bob’s cousin from Arizona, flew into Duluth to visit the cousin in Hospice, soon after she was there. It was very nice to visit with him, and it meant so much to Rose that he came.

About 2 weeks after he returned to Arizona, he went for his annual physical, and found that his EKG was abnormal. They rushed him to a heart doctor, and to an angiogram, to find himself less than a week later, having triple by pass surgery, for three blocked arteries. We feel it was a miracle that the blockages were diagnosed before he had a major heart attack. He has recuperated well. We talked to him the other day and his heart doctor gave him a clean bill of health. This is the cousin that we were planning to visit last April the week that my husband landed in the hospital for heart problems. He, like my husband, had no symptoms prior to this. His cholesterol was under control, and he had no high blood pressure history.

Both of them could have dropped over from heart attacks and died… we feel very blessed that the heart problems were diagnosed and taken care of right away for both of them! Thank you Lord!


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