Saturday, August 04, 2007

Perfect Duluth Day

I must get moving today, lots to do, need to grocery shop for my party tomorrow and last minute cleaning, but I just had to log and write about our "Perfect Duluth Day" weather Thursday and yesterday! It was one of those days that we here in Duluth live for! Low humidity, temps in between 70 and 80 and sunny, clear and the lake was a beautiful, beautiful blue. I'm glad that our family from AZ and CA could witness it, and hopefully bring back memories of those perfect weather days when they lived here! It is appreciated even more by us Duluthians, when a day or two like this is followed after the unbearable heat and humdity we had earlier in the week!

I took my sister in law and her husband to the Radisson's Top of the Harbor Restuarant for lunch yesterday, since that is the hotel they are in, and then they could sleep late. Since the day was so perfect, you can imagine how lovely the view was from the revolving restaurant at the top. We were there for the whole hour it takes to revolve around for sites of the harbor and the hillside. While we were there we saw a ship come into the harbor, through the bridge. The bridge went up for it to go under (they couldn't get over how fast the ship actually seemed to go, from watching it from afar). What a beautiful site!

We topped the day off with a comfortable evening at our house and Sammy's Pizza for supper.

You can't get "Sammy's" in CA or AZ, so it is a must when they visit. Frank went to the Friday evening mixer for the reunion but Carmella didn't. I picked them up after work and brought them here, and they stayed until 11. What a nice evening of visiting we had. That on top of the wonderful evening out at Belliosios the night before.

Today our daughter and family are coming to town, Dawn is picking them up for lunch, that will give me time at home here to prepare food for tomorrow's party. I was planning to get up at 6 am this morning to get a jump on the day, but something happened, didn't get up till closer to

8! So, I better get going! Must have been the last two late nights!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Gary, Andrew and I were in Duluth for the last four days so I got to enjoy the beautiful weather you wrote about. We were celebrating our 10th anniversary (It's hard to believe!). We stayed at "The Edge" for Andrew. I prefer the Inn on Lake Superior, but we got a good deal at The Edgewater and Andrew had a great time. I laughed when you wrote about Sammy's too. It was our last stop on the way out of town. We have been known to have Sammy's twice on a trip to Duluth! You can't get Sammy's in the Cities either!

I always enjoy reading your blog!


6:42 PM  

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