Thursday, August 02, 2007

Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day... the temperature is lower, there is a breeze and it's not a hot breeze and the humidity is down. A good day for golf. My husband, his cousin and our two sons are golfing this afternoon. I just called the hotel to see if my sister in law and her husband arrived safely and they did, about 4:00. Later tonight we will all be going to the elegant Italian Restaurant "Bellisios". Bob and I rarely go there because it's quite pricey, but it we took Carmella and Masa there the last time they were here and they loved it, so thought we'd go again, and Frank hasn't been there before. It will be a treat for all of us.

All of us here in Duluth have those affected by the collasped bridge last evening in Minneapolis, in our thoughts and prayers today. Many of my co/workers have children living down there, as do we, and it was good to hear this morning that they are all fine and weren't anywhere near the bridge at the time. Although, many of them could have been. Freda's son lives just blocks from the bridge by the University and he called her this morning to tell her that Brian Williams and Matt Laurey from NBC's today show were in his front yard. They will be broadcasting tonight's NBC news from their apartment roof.


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