Saturday, April 18, 2009


Spring IS coming....yesterday it hit 70 in Duluth, it was a most welcome day for all Duluthians! Coming home from work, it seemed like everyone was out working in their yard, sitting on their porch or walking! The snow is finally disappearing from even our Woodland neighborhood. Yeah! We see grass...not green grass, but alas - it IS grass! Now in Duluth, when we have nice days we have to really take advantage of them because we don't know if the NEXT day will be the same. And it wasn't. Today's high might have been 45. No sun, very cloudy. Maybe rain tomorrow? The weatherman says it has been too long since we've had rain, that it's been very dry. So, guess we do need rain. It will wash the icky stuff away, and bring out the green. Although, I do hope that it rains while we are in Mexico so that when we come back things look cleaner and a bit greener.... is that too much to hope for?


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