Thursday, April 10, 2008

Anticipating - Groceries, gas, reading materials...

Today at work, everyone wanted to believe the weather forecasters. Well,'s not that we want to have a snow storm in April, but if we have to, we want a day off of work! That was all the talk today, in our office and I'll bet in every office and workplace throughout the city. We believed the forecast so much that we moved our "farewell lunch" for a departing staff member, from tomorrow to today. (After all, we didn't want to miss our pizza party and cake!). Tomorrow is her last day. We all feasted today and bid her our good wishes. We will miss her, she was so cheerful and always smiling.

The highway dept. is already telling us not to go out on the streets tomorrow unless it's absolutely necessary. My husband had two medical appointments tomorrow and the offices called and one cancelled and the other one said he's to call in before leaving to be sure they are there. Most of our office staff have laptop computers. There are only two of us that do not, and I'm one. This means we can't take our work home. All the other staff took their computers home tonight and pretty much said that even if the office isn't closed, they won't be in...they will "work from home." But us without laptops can't do that, if the office doesn't close, that means there will only be two of us trying to get to work in blizzardly conditions. I think she and I will be conferring with each other in the morning, if it's as bad as they say it will be!

And - everyone in Duluth was extra busy today. Doing the most urgent work in offices, in case we can't get in tomorrow, making runs to the grocery store, the bank, gas for the cars, and hustling home right after work or after doing these errands, and then we sit here and wait, for the snow to start. The weather forecasters are insistent that the blizzard is coming ... 12 -18 inches of snow through tomorrow into Saturday morning. The winds have been high all afternoon. The lake looks like a storm is coming, the waves coming up the shoreline. It's cold and dreary. It's 7:00 now, the time they say the snow will start. It hasn't started yet. But, we've got food, milk and water in the house, gas in the cars, and ready now. I'll bet with all this warning, everyone is ready to hunker down and get through this upcoming blizzard.

My husband just took Coco (our granddog) out, before it gets dark and the snow starts. I'll bet she won't want to go out tomorrow morning. On Monday morning when we had drizzle and some snow, he had to practically "drag" her off the porch...I guess all of you with dogs, can relate to that. When we told our daughter, she laughed and said "yeah, she absolutely hates the snow!" Our son in law stopped in for a bit this evening, said he missed her. He's here in Duluth this week helping his friend to build his house, (that's why we were able to get Coco) they had to take a break from working on the house because they lost power, due to the high winds probably. He said our Granddaughter and Dawn are both missing her terribly too. We will have her three more days ...yeah!


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