Friday, May 11, 2007

Wind Shift

From 80 to 50! Yesterday I took a long walk at lunch time and it was over 80 degrees downtown here by the lake. In the evening it was still in the 80's. It was actually hot! But, what a difference today! The wind shifted. Here in Duluth the wind can shift and in a matter of minutes the temperature can drop 40 degrees. The temperature today at lunch is barely 50 degrees! At least it is still sunny. I will be walking the treadmill today at lunch time, instead of outside when I finish writing this. I would like walking in the cooler weather but the wind is going to blow the pollen around, and don't want to go through the itchy eyes and runny nose that I went through yesterday after walking outside!

We in Minnesota are hoping for some rain to ease the fire situations up north. There is a raging fire going on up in Northern Minnesota by the Gunflint Trail. Many thousands of acres burned and many people have lost their homes. I realize that Minnesota is not the only state affected by fires due to the dry weather, Florida and California, to name two, are having major problems. We hope for rain to ease the dryness.


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