Friday, November 03, 2006

Three Days Down

Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
For three days I’ve had the stomach flu. Worse case I’ve had in years. Tonight I am finally up, taking some “nourishment” in the form of broth and tea. I feel much better, now just have to see if my stomach is back to normal. Let’s see, last week, Tuesday through most of Friday, no food due to gastro problems and now this week three more days of no food. Do you think maybe if I weighed myself I will show a weight loss? If so, I'm going to use it for a springboard to get back on my healthy eating habits and try to lose more. About 10 years ago I had my worst case of flu ever, that lasted over a week, the cold, virus and everything with it. After I got better, I had lost 10 lbs. I went on to lose 20 more pounds that winter! It's actually the last time that I've lost a substanial amount of weight. I think I am due that again. It would be nice to see a weight loss, not to have gone through all of this for nothing!


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