Monday, November 06, 2006

Get Prepared!

Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
Are you getting as tired of the signs around town and the negative, rude political ads that we have had to endure as I am? Thank goodness after tomorrow we won’t have to see them anymore. But, after tomorrow, we will have to live with who are voted in as leaders for our state and our country.

Here in Minnesota, we have some very important races. I have been doing a lot of reading and watching of C-Span, listening to Minnesota Public Radio, etc. in getting informed, so that I will be an educated voter tomorrow.

The legislature and the governorship are important decisions for us to make to lead us for the next 4 years. We have a governor’s race and a senator’s race, very key. Also, there is the legislature. There are also key races in other states. Mid-term election voter turn out is often not very good. I have a feeling that this year will be different.

No matter what your political feelings are, please look at who the candidates are, what their stands are on the issues, and most important get out there tomorrow and VOTE!!!!


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