Thursday, June 08, 2006

Perfect Day in Duluth

Today was one of those perfect Duluth Days! Low humidity, lovely breeze, sunny and in the low 70's, the kind of day I love here, it's the reason we live here and the reason we put up with Duluth winters (which actually have been getting milder with each year).

My friend Sharon and I went out for a walk, we had a lovely walk and great visit.

Also had a nice visit with one of our neighbors, June, who I don't get to see too often. She was out for a walk with her grown twin daughters, who live in CA and Colorado, they are both in town visiting their parents. I miss June, when I was an at home Mom, she and I became close friends and did a lot of things together. She was like a Mom to me. Seeing her tonight, made me realize what I have been missing by not seeing her more often. I'm going to make more of an effort to visit with her.


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