Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
Valentine Cards…Bob and I give them to each other every year. Beautiful cards, we each choose the cards especially for their words. I had a great one picked out for him, telling how he has made my life wonderful, and my love for him, etc., etc. – you know the kind…

My husband gave me his valentine card this morning. First, I must tell you that I’m used to getting beautifully versed cards that say “to my wife” on the front, from him each year. His cards always make me feel special and loved. This year, it did not say anything about “wife”; it could have been a card to anyone. I think that struck me first, then when I opened it, I read “Your heart holds so much kindness…so much understanding…No wonder that my heart holds so much affection for you!” I had to say something! Without thinking about what I was saying, I just blurted out a comment that I really regretted. Now, if that word “affection” would have been “Love”, I think it would have been fine, but for some reason, I bristled at the word “affection”. Why did this bother me…and why, oh why, didn’t I keep my thoughts to myself…but oh no, big mouth me…I had to comment to him about it and about how the card didn’t have any “love” in it and teased him about how after 36 years, it’s now “affection”??!! I could see his hurt look on his face, and I immediately knew I had hurt him. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t take that comment back. It’s bothered me all day. I know he loves me; I shouldn’t have to have a card say it, to know it. Why did I act that way? What does “Valentine’s Day” do to us?

Well, tonight, I had a surprise. As soon as he got in the door, he handed me another valentine card, a large one, in a red envelope, with the words wife on it…and flowery sentiment, beautiful words and the word LOVE! A perfect ending to what started out to be not our usual lovely valentine day! Once again, I apologized. His going to the trouble of buying another, showed me once again of his love for me.

I hope you were good to your valentine today, and didn’t mess up like I did! Happy Valentine’s Day!


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