Sunday, February 05, 2006

Today's Technology - frustrating!

Linda's Thoughts from Duluth
Talk about today’s technology from technology 36 years ago! I just spent over an hour and a half trying to figure out why we can’t access internet explorer. Earlier Rob called our service provider and they told us that it had to do with our Norton (Virus protection).
Everytime something like this happens, Rob or I, spend hours on the telephone with the support tech people. It’s so frustrating. My husband, Bob wouldn’t deal with calling for support at
all, he expects Rob or me to take care of it, and if we don’t, or we procrastinate, then we
get grief from him!

I was especially frustrated today, when I’m told it would cost $29.99 for them to fix something to do with “configuration”, which I still, after he tried to explain it to me 3 times, am at a loss to understand. All I know is that I just spent $29.99 to fix something, that I know none of us had anything to do with breaking!!!! A waste of valuable Sun. afternoon time, and a waste of money. I think we are all at the mercy of Symantec Norton Company! Bob is now telling Rob and I that "one of you did something wrong" how frustrating,
I know we didn't!

I’m going to try to relax now! 36 years ago we didn't have frustration like this.


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