Sunday, April 13, 2008

April Blizzard Over - Duluth, MN

The blizzard is over! Everything was shut down on Friday, even the mall, and the buses. Visibility was about zero, the winds were high, the only thing that was good, was we didn't get as much snow as they had predicted. We probably had between 6 and 10 inches up in our neighborhood. I'm sure everyone enjoyed their day off, with the exception of our snow plow drivers and Minn. Highway crews, and power company crews. (We thank them). There were power outages and many trees came down from the high winds. At one point the snow plows were taken off the roads due to visibility. I spent my Friday reading and taking a long nap in the afternoon.

Yesterday I went down to the lake, to Brighton Beach and took a look at the high waves we had, and the turmoil the lake was in. I'm sure it was nothing compared to what it was like on Thursday night and Friday. I'm not one that runs out in the middle of a blizzard to look at the lake, like some Duluthians do. Of course, we don't have a snowmobile, a four wheel drive vehicle, or skis like some of our Duluthians do. It was fun to look at the lake and the snow laden trees yesterday, and knowing I could safely drive to do so, makes me feel more comfortable. I don't need the high that some people need, doing dangerous things. I'm just not like that, neither is my husband. I read in the paper about a couple that go down to Canal Park everytime there is a bad storm, and they were there on Friday. We know this couple, and I know they are more adventurous than Bob and I are.

I am posting below some of the photos I took yesterday. I especially like this one above of the snow covered birch trees.


Blogger buddha-on-a-stick said...

lovely thank you, reminds me of a robert frost poem
joe gannon

1:55 PM  

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