Monday, July 02, 2007

The Dancer

I told you the other day I would let you know where the rest of Madelyn’s family is this week, while she is in Duluth with us. As I’ve told you before, her brother Skylar became a dancer just a year and a half ago. He won all his competitions this past year, which earned him the right to go on to National Competition for “Male Dancer of the Year” for his category. The Nationals are held at the Riveria Hotel on the Las Vegas strip. His Mother went with him. It is a whole week long process for him. We are all very proud of this accomplishment. His Father who flies to Las Vegas on a regular basis for his job,
(airplane pilot for Champion Air), will probably have a chance to stop in sometime during the week to see them also.

Madelyn’s paternal Grandparents live very close to them, and they often have Maddy overnight, and keep the grandchildren when Dawn and Bob go out of town. Since we really have never had the opportunity to keep Madelyn overnight, we offered to keep her this week while her Mother and brother were in Las Vegas. I have taken afternoons off to be with her, and Grandpa is doing things with her in the mornings.

Dawn can’t be with him during the days, the only thing she will be able to see that he does is two per-formances later in the week, otherwise he spends every day from 11 – 7 pm practicing for the performances that they will then do to compete. They didn’t know until they got there what kind of show they would participate in. They had to get his outfit ahead of time, and when it arrived after being ordered, Dawn was wondering about it because it was a white shirt, tie, and some sort of sweater that she laughingly called a “Mr. Rogers” sweater. She found out, that one of the shows he will be performing in is a “Tribute to Mr. Rogers”, that’s why the sweater looked like a Mr. Rogers sweater, it was supposed to!!! Last night they were going to see another show. Dawn spent the last few days at the pool, relaxing. The temps are very hot there this week, between 109 – 116 degrees. She told me she doesn’t care what they say about dry heat being better, heat is heat when it’s over 100!! She said going from inside to outside, it’s like you are walking into a furnace!


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