Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dances and Weddings

I’m excited. I just finished packing. I’m taking a ½ day off work tomorrow for us to
travel to Hudson to see our daughter and her family. The Grandchildren have their dance recital tomorrow night. Both Madelyn and Skylar will be dancing. It will be fun to watch them. We will be standing in line an hour and a half early to get good seats in the auditorium, but we know it will be worth it. When our daughter was 5 years old she took dance lessons for a year. We had one dance recital to attend, and it was fun to watch her dance. I have posted a photo of her from her one dance recital. Dancing was not her passion, as it is her son's, so I wasn't able to convince her to continue taking lessons. I let her quit when she asked, but I'm glad that we gave her the opportunity to try it. The photo with the dark haired girl is her. The photo of the blonde haired girl is our Granddaughter, at her recital last May. And, then of course, there is Skylar with his trophy.

Did I tell you that at Skylar’s last competition he won first place with his solo and that this earned him the right to go to national competition in Las Vegas in July! He and his Mother will be going for him to compete for “top male dancer of the year” for his age bracket! We are all very proud of him. Considering he has only been dancing for a bit over a year, it’s astonishing how well he is doing. From Las Vegas he will be heading to New York City with two of his dance teachers for a dance instructor conference and training. The owner of the dance studio is going to hire him next fall as an instructor. I’m excited that he will get both a trip to Las Vegas and to New York City, at his young age. He really has a passion for dance! While they are in Las Vegas, we are going to have Madelyn with us here in Duluth. We are really looking forward to her visit.

On Saturday we will be attending a wedding in Minneapolis. Our youngest son’s best friend is getting married. Scott is in the wedding, and we are friends of the groom and his parents. It sounds like it’s going to be a very big, elegant wedding. So, that will be fun. David grew up in Duluth, and they will be living in Minneapolis. For a wedding gift I bought them a beautiful framed photo of the Aerial Lift Bridge at night, it is so pretty. I thought he would appreciate having a touch of Duluth in their home. So many of the young couples getting married now a days, already live together and often have homes, so it’s really hard to know what to get them that they don’t already have! My son didn’t seem to agree with me, but I’m going with my instinct and not on what he says. I think I am right in my thinking that it is a good wedding present. I gave one to another young man who settled in North Carolina, for their wedding, and their thank you note told how much they enjoyed having a touch of home on their North Carolina home. And, if the groom isn’t sentimental about growing up in Duluth now, some day he will be!


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