Thursday, October 11, 2007

Safe Haven

This morning I was downtown by 7:20 for a 7:30 breakfast and program that was held by the Safe haven Shelter for Battered Women. It was a fundraiser, and I was invited to attend by a friend, who's friend was hosting a table there. I was very surprised when I arrived and saw how many people were at this event! It was major. Apparently this is their "second annual". It was very interesting to hear about their mission, about the worthwhile work they are doing to help overcome family violence and to give a safe shelter for battered women and their children. Two survivors of domestic violence spoke of their experiences. It was interesting to note that one of them suffered not so much from physcial violence, but from mental and emotional abuse from her spouse, which really is as bad. She said over a period of years, she was made to feel that she was worth less than dirt. Isn't that sad!

http://www.howiehanson - click on Peg Anderson's article about Safe Haven on Howie's site, to find more information about the shelter and the Justice Center that the Capitol campaign is about.

I must run now - off to my Water Aerobic class.


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