Snow Storm Hits Duluth -Looks Like Winter at LastEveryone is digging out today, snowblowing, taking snow off dormers and roofs, digging out cars!
We received over a foot of snow in Duluth this past weekend. We always get more over the hill in Woodland, where we live, we figure he have at least
15-18 inches up here. It took my husband and son an hour and a half just to
clean what the plow left in front of our driveway and two neighbors drives that they did. Yesterday they went out twice and blew snow and this afternoon Bob was out there again blowing and cleaning up. It has continued to snow lightly all day, so we are probably picking up another few inches today. We are thankful for snow blowers (see the article below), but this snow was very wet and heavy and it's hard on the blowers and hard work. My husband is very tired, and hopes we don't get any more snow this week. More is predicted though. I heard this morning that this was the 3rd largest snow storm in Duluth's history for the month of February.
Well, my plans for not having to navigate on snowy roads this week went down the tubes. It appears I will be on the road tomorrow morning driving on the snowy streets to my place of employment! See my post above for details!
Photos from Duluth News Tribune
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